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  1. Melissa Herndon

    Update on the $14,000 added West Coast Challenge

    Just spent the weekend there...the tables have new cloth and are playing great!!! Wonderful room, great hospitality...and a super yummy BLT sandwich. Melissa
  2. Melissa Herndon

    2nd Stop of the Tiger So Cal Ladies Tour, April 14-15

    Contact Melissa Herndon at with questions. Sponsors: Tiger Products PoolDawg Delta 13 rack Siam SEAS
  3. Melissa Herndon

    2nd Stop of the Tiger So Cal Ladies Tour, April 14-15

    $1500 added based on 32 players...$1000 added minimum. Hard Times Billiards in Bellflower 17450 Bellflower Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706 Doors open at 10:30 am, players meeting at 11:30 am. Tournament starts at noon. $30 entry fee + $10 registration fee if you are not an SCL9T member...
  4. Melissa Herndon

    If you really want to know how Shanelle Lorain plays

    Not nice Spanky. Until you see her game up close and's not fair to make these kind of judgments. There have been plenty of players who get shot full of holes in does not necessarily reflect the true nature of their game. Allison once played a match on ESPN...
  5. Melissa Herndon

    USBTC Professional or not?

    I think this could have been handled better by all involved. If Stevie had a problem, it should have been taken up with tournament direction after the match and not in view of any spectators. But this public "outing" of his behavior is unprofessional as well. Your post lacks diplomacy in...
  6. Melissa Herndon

    2012 Swanee was fantastic - Thanks to all involved!

    I also had a fantastic time at the tournament. Unfortunately, I drew Beau Runningen in the first round. He had me 0-4...and I played pretty good to take 5 straight games and get up 5-4. Then I broke dry...and he ran the freaking set out. What can I do??? I broke and ran 2 or 3 of the racks...
  7. Melissa Herndon

    Swanee tournament - this weekend!!!!

    Hi Mark, I called Hard Times today to find out when they were opening the doors...and they said 9am because the tournament starts at 10am. But your post below says you will have matches going by there is clearly some miscommunication with the Hard Times staff. Just wanted to give...
  8. Melissa Herndon

    Swanee tournament - this weekend!!!!

    Thank you Mark. I had heard there was streaming...but I wasn't sure who was doing it and I didn't want to post erroneous information. Looking forward to it! Melissa
  9. Melissa Herndon

    Swanee tournament - this weekend!!!!

    Attn: Pool Enthusiasts! The annual Swanee tournament is being held this weekend at world-famous Hard Times Billiards in Bellflower, CA. The field is already full at 192 players...and this year, there are some monsters in the field. In addition to So Cal notables such as Oscar Dominguez...
  10. Melissa Herndon

    Tell me your brooklyn butch stories

    I hear what you're saying...but the person who passed the info along is a long-time friend with no ulterior motives or intentions. He simply thought it was hilarious how much Butch doesn't like me (considering that Butch didn't give him a reason...just said he coudn't stand me). I have to...
  11. Melissa Herndon

    Tell me your brooklyn butch stories

    I've met Butch several times and never had any problems with him that I know of. I think his stories are incredible and he is a riot to listen to. But I was recently told that he can't stand me. I have no idea why this is, but I guess I did something in the past that he didn't like. Ah...
  12. Melissa Herndon

    CSI Contest! Name Who & Where...Be in a drawing for Swanee or US Bar Table Entry!

    I knew I recognized that floor! I was going to say the Sands...but I was beaten to the punch. I recognized Swanson, Efren and Morro (loving the porn-stache btw)...but I think the rest are a little before my time! Melissa
  13. Melissa Herndon

    A Positive Post (long)

    LOL Joey. Well, it never crossed my mind that it was a personal diss that no one responded. I suppose if I had...I might've reacted differently. I guess what I truly thought ran something along the lines of disappointment in the AZB community that no one else had anything nice to say to...
  14. Melissa Herndon

    A Positive Post (long)

    And I'd also like to say...wouldn't it be nice for a post like this...something get the same recognition and response as the posts about hot women/who is hustling who/promoters who don't pay/streams that went bad/who doesn't like who/etc??? As I mentioned before...I welcome others...
  15. Melissa Herndon

    A Positive Post (long)

    Gosh...and here I was...thinking to myself..."I guess no one else has anything positive to say anymore!" LOL :grin: Melissa
  16. Melissa Herndon

    Plea to help Melissa Morris' husband

    Antwaine's surgery is scheduled for the 22nd. Details of the cue drawing still to come. Thanks to everyone for your patience!!!! Melissa
  17. Melissa Herndon

    Plea to help Melissa Morris' husband

    We have made the $4000!!!! I'm going to get an exact count and let you all know by tomorrow. Will also post details of raffle for the donors. Thanks so much to everyone for their love and support. Antwaine goes to the doctor on the 11th for a procedure on his left which point they...
  18. Melissa Herndon

    Plea to help Melissa Morris' husband

    Just wanted to give an update that we are close to $3500 so far...only $500 away from the goal! Thanks again to all the wonderful people who are supporting Melissa and Antwaine through donations, messages of encouragement...and just the love in general that is being shown by the pool community...
  19. Melissa Herndon

    Plea to help Melissa Morris' husband

    I will get you Melissa and Antwaine's address and send it to you in a PM.