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  1. book collector

    No smoking?

    I was in several card games where people were dieing of lung cancer , had an oxygen bottle strapped to them and lit up a cigarette, I might sit there if you pull a gun , but the oxy bottles were even too much for me.
  2. book collector

    Happy Birthday, AzHousePro

    Happy Birthday Mike . have a great day.
  3. book collector

    "They call me Punxsutawney Phil"

    Bucktooth Cook?
  4. book collector

    Sad day indeed

    RIP Danny D.
  5. book collector

    I've Been Invited to Compete in the WNT European Open!

    You could say that about every player in the world that isn't in the top 100, their chances of winning a big tournament are at best miniscule.
  6. book collector

    I've Been Invited to Compete in the WNT European Open!

    This may be the only chance you get, if it sounds fun to you , and you can afford it, go and enjoy yourself. I'm sure you have earned it. I played in one mens pro 9 ball event, I had no chance, but I played pretty good for all the pressure , I was ahead 4 to 3 on Chris McDonald and also 4 to 3...
  7. book collector

    Ball temperature

    If you go back and reread my post , you will see where you erred.
  8. book collector

    Ball temperature

    The billiard players must have thought it made a difference ,the old tables were heated, I think they also tried to keep the balls within a certain temperature,
  9. book collector

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

  10. book collector

    Ball temperature

    I had a table as a young tweenager in Ohio , in the winter it got Dang cold, below zero, I always noticed that I played a lot worse , when it got to the extremes, and it was a pain in the butt trying to keep from moving balls with my gloves.
  11. book collector

    GOAT Hunt

    Not yet, call back in 15 years
  12. book collector

    Fractional aim points and their cut angles

    Some people just start out right , or find the correct way to pocket balls faster and easier than others, everyones brain works a little different. A fractional aiming system helped me tremendously. You are actually using a fractional system , it is just reward or beratement, in varying degrees.
  13. book collector

    My first lesson with a certified instructor, Dragon Billiards

    Good luck, I hope it turns out exactly right for you.
  14. book collector

    Can't play no mo blues.

    Fusion for me would only be after I tried everything else. The ablation is not permanent , so as long as they don't do it wrong, you will be ok .
  15. book collector

    Can't play no mo blues.

    My doc suggested I do one with just numbing medication first, to see if it would work, he also told me if they aren't monitoring the needle position with a scope ,while they do it, don't do it, they are just guessing, and that's when people end up getting hurt. I really trust this guy. I have...
  16. book collector

    Casino daily take during pool tourn.....??

    either, it's too nasty for one and too nice for the other, you decide witch is which.
  17. book collector

    Casino daily take during pool tourn.....??

    I was just thinking of the old executive, the last couple of years I knew some pool scuffs who would have 10 or 12 guys in one room, of course the hotel had to know from the cameras and all the people going in and out , but it was still funny.
  18. book collector

    New member with a cue question

    Did you hit any balls with the LePro before changing it? Was the sound there at that time?
  19. book collector

    Casino daily take during pool tourn.....??

    I was just sitting here thinking about the 9 foot table, pool scene in the US, if foreign players had not become some of the top players in the world, and opened up all that new revenue to the pool world. {mostly equipment sales}. What would have happened in the last 5 years Paying the same...