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  1. pt109

    Rip Danny Diliberto

    Danny played a lot at the Congress in Miami.
  2. pt109

    Rip Danny Diliberto
  3. pt109

    Tip keeps getting shredded

    Tell your tip installer to sharpen his blade…..worked for me.
  4. pt109

    Rip Danny Diliberto

    Danny D….HOF induction speech At first I didn’t like Joe Balsis…then I found out he liked betting horses….then I liked him…as a matter of fact, I couldn’t remember what I didn’t like about him.
  5. pt109

    RIP Justin Ramos aka 'justnum'......................

    Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow, And...
  6. pt109

    "They call me Punxsutawney Phil"

    I’m reminded of a grade 9 math teacher on a cold day in my home town….it was 15 below F….he looked out the classroom window ….said “It sure is cold today, class.” “Do you think there is any heat out there?”Most of the students said “NO!”….Teacher said “IT CAN GET COLDER, CAN‘T IT?”
  7. pt109

    Snooker and Fargo

    Alex finished 11th ….only 8 qualified….Chris Melling qualified.
  8. pt109

    Snooker and Fargo

    The most important run in snooker is 73 from the start… gets a bit complicated if you use anything but ‘games won’.
  9. pt109

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Nice thread.
  10. pt109

    Ball temperature

    That was more for the rubber….cold makes it not responsive enough, dampness makes the angles short.
  11. pt109

    Right hand/Left eye

    Three great players, when I was a kid, were right handed and left eyed….Willie Mosconi, Joe Davis, and George Chenier. This doesn’t look awkward to me…. This looks awkward to me…but a great player never the less
  12. pt109

    Funny pic/gif thread...

  13. pt109

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    A guy named Scratch would know that.
  14. pt109

    Pool balls shrink in the cold, too;) (Precise data included)

    I can state with confidence that a warm golf will go farther than a cold one. …so I’d rather play with pool balls at room temperature.
  15. pt109

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Well, that’s ab-original.
  16. pt109

    Thomas Shaw

    So do you.
  17. pt109

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    The frog made me realize that I have seen a few people that resemble that critter…a bit bug-eyed and their mouth is set the same way.
  18. pt109

    New Simonis 330 Carom Cloth

    Fast cloth is my personal preference for any game I play….I played 9-ball at Baker’s in Tampa on a carom cloth when I was a kid….pulled enough miracles that the whole room quit …been hooked to carom cloth ever since…which is strange for a snooker player. Biggest single win I ever took was...
  19. pt109

    Italian Open

    I agree…..they are good but unnecessarily slow….I‘m blaming it on Ralf….a great player who belongs in the HOF….but manages to look at every shot like he’s never seen a pool table before…plays better with a shot clock.
  20. pt109

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    The new math Top fan Frank Lopez This does not change the fact that in Australia there are 48 million kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3,457,380 inhabitants. So if the kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, each Uruguayan will have to fight 14 kangaroos.