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  1. Pidge

    Full splice lost art

  2. Pidge

    Who says barbox 8-ball is harder than 9-foot?

    Past a certain ability level the size of the table makes very little difference. As for what's harder - this is very subjective and as such I don't think there is an answer. It comes down to how you see each game. 9 ball forces you to see a smaller number of patterns where as 8 ball layouts...
  3. Pidge

    Another question for the English gurus.

    Why does this video scream mental breakdown?
  4. Pidge

    You get what you pay for!

    Beautiful craftsmanship.
  5. Pidge


    I can't really fathom why someone would want to or need to think of this when they play or practice. Dedicating practice to specifics is great I think, but this is too specific. I'm sure most of us at some point in life had had lots going on whilst you try to concentrate on something. The...
  6. Pidge

    A little exercise to test a 'straight-in' short shot with control of the CB

    Which areas of your game is this drill intended to improve? I know a handful guys who could do this all day long but they aren't guys I would consider to be great at the game. What they are great at though is manipulating potting angles with side spin and the short 8 inch draw shots. At first...
  7. Pidge

    Sold Old Balls

    That happened a long time ago! I think it was probably in effect back when I was regularly posting on here. But yes, I am back playing but not to the extent I used to. Life has sort of gotten in the way and priorities have had to make a major shift in the direction of my family but I dust off my...
  8. Pidge

    Sold Old Balls

    Bob, let's stop with the crazy talk my friend! I'm simply a man - a beautiful balls admiring man.
  9. Pidge


    Its better not to think. It only leads to overcomplicating matters 😁
  10. Pidge

    Sold Old Balls

    Beautiful balls.
  11. Pidge

    Is the Aiming Forum a Relic?

  12. Pidge

    Do you guys love pool so much you over look a lot of stuff? Possibly my final post

    Get a job. You soon find paying that extra $1 every 50 games isn't so bad that you consider quitting the game.
  13. Pidge

    Stroke improvement question for instructors and non instructors

    Sighting. Very minor offsets can create very bad habits. Take a look at Dr Dave's website where he talks about the vision centre. When players get this right, alignment and a straight cueing action soon follows. Pulling the cue back too far/ not far enough. I see time and time again a really...
  14. Pidge

    Instructor or pro player?

    Depends what you want to learn, and that is usually determined by your skill level. Beginners, bang average or intermediate players will benefit more from a quality instructor who puts a lot of emphasis on ironing out their mechanical flaws. Just my experience, but as a general rule of thumb...
  15. Pidge

    Which aiming system you use and why?

    I agree. Aiming is very complex and I honestly don't believe humans are capable when at the table, in the sense that aiming is just physics. Add in side spin and the physics become way more complicated. Take shooting for example. People aim the gun and they can hit targets that move, even...
  16. Pidge

    CJ Wiley presents Mental Game Secrets to Getting in the ZONE

    Well, this should be fun.
  17. Pidge

    A few ways to find the contact points

    I've played maybe 5 or 6 times in the last 2-3 years. So my standard is ropey to say the least. I've started a family so I haven't had chance to post much....just been lurking in the background, secretly reading away!
  18. Pidge

    A few ways to find the contact points

    Hmm, what ever floats your boat.
  19. Pidge

    Maybe more than 1/4 of the balls I miss would fall on a GC

    The best players will always prevail regardless of how a pocket is cut or it's size. Pockets giving advantages to weaker or better players is BS imo.
  20. Pidge

    Maybe more than 1/4 of the balls I miss would fall on a GC

    That's considered a tight pocket?