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  1. 3kushn

    Measle ball is a training ball

    If you're into spinning the CB and pay attention, the dots help you pick up added or subtracted English depending on inside or outside desired spin and which side of the OB you're hitting. Collision induced spin isn't only about the OB. Wanna perfect your shape? Pay attention to the CB spin...
  2. 3kushn

    Past vs present. Your dream matchups.

    Harold Worst vs anyone
  3. 3kushn

    DIY wood kiln

    I don't know much about your goal but I've bought 2 gun safe heaters and they both burned out in short order. The 10 or 12" 110V stick types. Thought the first one was maybe a fluke thing, then tried another of a different brand and even more $$. Won't buy a third of this type.
  4. 3kushn

    New Cue Syndrome -- Real or Imagined

    I think much initially is in the head but time will tell. I remember a cue I got to try for maybe 30 mins and loved it. So much that I commissioned a builder to make me one just like it. Of course he couldn't make it perfectly the same, but he got close. But just not the same. That cue gave...
  5. 3kushn

    Full splice lost art

    Of course. But of course you didn't read what I said earlier.
  6. 3kushn

    Full splice lost art

    I should really wait for Gar to explain all this but I want to make a comment prior to input. All the discussions about coring. Why do you guys add a core? Does a full splice = adding a core or not. Just asking. Respectively I expect a full splice cue has nothing to do with how the ball...
  7. 3kushn

    Anyone made a Pool Related Resolution for 2025

    Pool resolutions have never worked for me. Too many things get in the way. I decided to practice more a few months ago. Hasn't worked out too well. Lately I've got family including a baby that loves to stand on my table and roll balls. Any time I go to practice, she wants to play. Then...
  8. 3kushn

    Full splice lost art

    Never thought of it that way. Only One Piece cues can be "full splice" Maybe you're correct. Don't know for sure these things. Several years ago on Dieckman's "back porch" he talked about Coring, He said, the way I build my cues, I automatically have a cored cue, then showed me the very end...
  9. 3kushn

    Slip Stroke - Do any players have a slip stroke today?

    That's a "stroke slip" not a slip stroke. Chua's technique is fun to experiment with. Do it enough and your grip will become nice and loose.
  10. 3kushn

    physical consequences of cue balance point location

    A well known coach and instructor told me after looking at my really light cue that "a light cue is harder to deliver a straight stroke. Harry Sims told me his theory that a rearward balanced cue offers more power since we all have more strength pulling an object than pushing with our arms. I...
  11. 3kushn

    One handed technique...

    Sounds like Jamison Neu chuckling. No?
  12. 3kushn


    Interesting your English system/numbers are exactly 1/2 of what I use. For me 3 tips across the short gives me 3 diamonds spread and along the long gives me 6 diamonds with a perfect setup. I'm still struggling with how much spin is added or subtracted depending on the hit and angle of...
  13. 3kushn

    Thread/Tap for Tad

    You cue builders, and anyone looking for tools should look at Industrial Tool Distributors. I know its not like it used to be with family owned businesses being bought up but... even so. There's tap manufacturers that specialize in specials. Most keep inventory of common specials. and nearly...
  14. 3kushn

    what tips hold taom chalk well?

    Tip Picks are the wrong tool for what you want. Tip Tapper Sandman Course Sand Paper with hard backing, like a hard cue case. ROLL the tip across the above type tools and problem is solved.
  15. 3kushn

    Meucci question (history)

    I bought an custom? MO7 directly from Bob @ 1975 Burlington IA 9Ball Tourney. I say custom since Bob told me he only made 2 like it. I believe it since 10 years later he recognized it and asked where I got it.
  16. 3kushn

    We all have Dieckman or Deek-a-Mom story, Let hear you!!!

    Gotta try to remember a worthy one.
  17. 3kushn

    Best Pool Game for Seniors - 1 Pocket or 14.1?

    Seniors? How Old?? Of course I'm thinking of Caroms
  18. 3kushn

    Reduce cue weight by drilling out wood?

    years ago I commissioned a very light cue. He sent me 2 to try out for a while. One butt he sent a drill through the entire length of the butt. Hollow. Drilling the length of the butt shouldn't change the balance point. Then there's the problem of too much weight being removed. The smaller...
  19. 3kushn

    5/16-18 joint mystery.

    The OP derailed his own thread talking about other thread forms than a basic 60deg 5/16"-18 thread. Cueman offered him the answer. I tried to offer ANSI Specs/Limits in support of Cueman, then he's talking about Acme and other thd forms. Maybe the goal is 100 responses.
  20. 3kushn

    Bring your own billiard balls to pool hall

    Ever see the League Players clean the tables?