Swap out the ball with what? Some old red circle that weighs 156g, I've got two red measle, one black measle, Arcos2 measle, they all weigh within 1 gram of each other and play the same. The ProCup measle sure gets dirty more.
I didn’t have a FR until a trip to Austin 5 years ago when I couldn’t seem to get a 1P action match so I played in Skinny Bobs 9 ball tournament and happened to have a great night. My FR has been dropping ever since. The two US Open 1P tournaments I played in reported to FR.
I thought I’d like FR but I don’t. Seems like there’s still professional sandbaggers. They crawl out from under when the tournament money gets sky high.
I’m a 650 and won a short race to 4 against a 760. Anthony is close to 800 so he can beat anyone any given day. A 685 should have beat SVB, so any 700 can beat a great player on occasion. That’s all I’m saying, not that Anthony is a 700. I’ve known about him for 15 years, I don’t think he’s...
Not to poop on Anthony, he’s a very good player, but Derby 1P is a race to 3. A good 700 player can turnaround a break and gain the advantage and win in a short race