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    Super bowl prize

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    Best way to shape, scuff and burnish a technodud tip?

    I know you're not supposed to use a coarse scuffer, so what's the best way to do it without a lathe?
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    Tips on playing 7 foot diamonds?

    I don't play on diamonds very often. I know they bank different, but are there any other shots that are different? Are the side pockets less receptive? Any other tips?
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    Question about shooting fast and shooting slow......

    He probably meant you were good at potting balls but you weren't thinking long enough to play good patterns. I think playing fast is fine and actually preferable if you're in a good rhythm, but you still need to make the game easy on yourself by coming up with an easy pattern. That being said...
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    Best Non-laminated tip?

    I tried a technodud and I liked it, but it still mushroomed a bit. I see he's selling a hard version now. I've heard about other peoples milkduds, do they sell online or do I have to pm them? I like the idea of hard tips that play like they're soft.
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    Better stroke seems to have led to less effective force follow

    Anyone had this problem before? I'm hitting the cueball straighter than ever, and getting really good backspin, but my force follow seems weaker. I used to be able to send the cueball into the short rail and make it back down table fairly easy, but it seems like I'm having to put way too much...
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    Is Schmidt's and charlie 626 Legit

    Not gonna read this whole thread but if they really haven't published the video, then in my mind Mosconi still has the record. If it was certified by someone at Guinness or some other institution like that then maybe that would be different. What's their reason for not releasing the entire video?
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    OB Goes Full Carbon

    I don't trust anything from OB. I'm from Dallas so I wanted to like them but I had a horrible experience with their products and customer service. Apparently they were better in the past from what I hear, but they fell off a cliff
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    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Nah look up elephant toothpaste vids on youtube
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    Diveney Cue Weight Bolt

    I have a diveney and when I wanted to add weight I actually just called Mr. Diveney up and asked him. At the time he didn't sell a weight bolt kit. I had to buy some screws called "blind set screws" I think. Basically a screw without a head and a hex wrench fits in it
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    I bought this set of Aramith Premium on Marketplace, any way to tell if they are legi

    Color looks off to me, but I'd ask one of those guys in the "pool ball collecting" thread. They seem to know everything about aramith
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    The Biggest reason Lower level players can't improve ????

    I disagree with the entire dominant eye philosophy. I agree that there is a dominant eye, but the idea that you have to have it over the cue, or in the same place every time is wrong imo. As long as you can visualize where the object ball and cue ball are gonna go, that's all that matters. I...
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    Do you love the game so much that you would switch playing hands if you had to?

    I think I could switch and be back to 90% fairly quickly. A good stroke is pretty simple. Once you get a little muscle memory for the stroke and footwork, you'd probably be close to where you left off. I think your vision and "seeing the shot" would be what takes time
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    We're cyclop balls replaced by dynasphere? Any reviews on dynasphere?

    I just got some of the tungstens for $80 shipped from olhausen. They play great and i wonder if they were some sort of test run by dynasphere because I don't see them listed on many sites. I like the colors and design more than the platinums.
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    unwanted english on break shot

    I think this usually results from the elbow flying out almost like you're throwing a punch, because you're trying to get extra power. You can also bring your elbow back towards the body to get more power but the tip would tend to steer to the right. I'd say you could either compensate on your...
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    Pool Ball Collecting.

    Thanks for the quick reply. That's good to hear. Fingers crossed it comes through. It's funny because the platinums are way more expensive but that design looks horrible to me.
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    Pool Ball Collecting.

    Hey Mr. P, Did you order the Tungstens from the Olhausen website? I ask because I put in an order four days ago and haven't gotten a shipping confirmation or anything. Just wondering because the set and the price seem unusual.
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    Pool Ball Collecting.

    Is there any noticeable difference in how they play? I have a set of centennials but I might pick these up because why not for $70. Normally I don't like the nontraditional colors but these look good imo
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    The reason I prefer 8 ball over 9 or 10 ball.

    Luck is always a part of it, even 8 ball. Your opponent can accidentally hit the 8 ball in early, and that would be lucky too. This is why you play more than once. Also, after the break in 8 ball, if stripes gets clustered up and in bad spots, it's just unlucky if the breaker gets to be solids.
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    Hey Dr. Dave, are there any diagrams of the effect of English off the CB

    I know the effects are slight, but I feel like there's a difference between straight draw in a 15 degree cut and say, bottom right, even accounting for the deflection. I also think there was a video of Appleton teaching a girl how to get different results on straight follow shots. Tyia