Search results

  1. ElKabong

    Fargo rating curve compared to golf handicap?

    RF was the hightest for sure , I was going from memory on that same chart 8.4 is pretty strong Another interesting tidbit is Rahm had the highest “worst” index , he’s in contention a lot
  2. ElKabong

    Fargo rating curve compared to golf handicap?

    That’s the thing about golf handicaps , the only people with golf handicaps are “avid” golfers If you include weekend golfers with an estimated hdcp, the average would be closer to 20 than the 12-13 that’s indicate me on that chart Pool would seem to be similar , if you include all people who...
  3. ElKabong

    Fargo rating curve compared to golf handicap?

    Highest index recorded was 8.1 , Rickie Fowler btw Tiger was 6.5-7 normally Hard to clock those guys, not sure if every venue even has accurate slope/cr for the setups they play .1
  4. ElKabong

    Fargo rating curve compared to golf handicap?

    Is there a curve showing Fargo rating distribution ? Its obviously a pretty standard bell curve Since I play both games curious where my Fargo rating ranks among peers vs my golf handicap? I’m a much better pool player than golfer 600 Fargo vs 18 hdcp I’d think something like this Top pro...
  5. ElKabong

    McDaniels bumper thread/ extension options ?

    Have an old Mac Attack Dont want to modify it any way , but would like to use an extension Bumper is threaded 3/8x ? Maybe 16 ? Is there an off the shelf solution ? Bumper that matches existing threads in butt that can accept an extension , pin on that end whatever is commonly available I guess...
  6. ElKabong

    Any more pics of the Owen ? Assuming full is 13mm ? Location? I’m in WV but travel around a...

    Any more pics of the Owen ? Assuming full is 13mm ? Location? I’m in WV but travel around a little playing and working
  7. ElKabong

    BCA Las Vegas - 5 matches guaranteed

    Played this format at the Ohio BCA last fall, I like it. scheduling and brackets should be easier, only one draw for the whole 1st round
  8. ElKabong

    WTS Predator SE-8 Vegas BCA this week

    At the Rio all week for BCA Have a nice Predator SE8 15/100 Shade under 19oz , has the old weight bolt style Original 314-2 shaft All straight and good condition $1000 cash price or trade towards customs or maybe newer predator with 12.4 revo
  9. ElKabong

    ~~>~>~>~>~~>FS Thoroughbred cue <~~<~<~<~<~~

    Did they sign or mark these ? I have seen the Ca$h cues, they had that on the butt cap, right ?
  10. ElKabong

    The ULTIMATE F#¢* You?

    At last he didn't disappear with ALL of the calcutta money like I saw once, that guy could shoot straight for sure though
  11. ElKabong

    The ULTIMATE F#¢* You?

    A few times in league play I've had a 8 ball straight down the long rail. Hit it with medium speed, it's obviously going in, so I turn around and say "good game" and shake my opponents hand about the same time the ball falls. Walk back to the table and one my teammates says "Damn bubba, that...
  12. ElKabong

    Remind me again why?

    Until Vegas will set odds (how did that work out last time!) or you can bet on tournaments on DraftKings, pool is destined to take a backseat to bowling, dart and cornhole Self supporting, with money only coming from entry fees and internal trade sponsors will only get us so far
  13. ElKabong

    Sold Barnhart 1/1 Custom Cue

    I bought a 5 pointer off you years ago that was one Cory's playing cues IIRC, should have kept that one!
  14. ElKabong

    New JB Case

    Message sent
  15. ElKabong

    Sold WTS/WTT Pechauer Camelot Series CAM-10

    Price dropped, back on the market
  16. ElKabong

    Which players have you tried to "emulate"?

    When in a rut I tend to go side-armed like Keith! aka Keither with the Either aka Earthquake! I should probably just stay with it instead of messing with fundamentals all the time, actually feels more natural.
  17. ElKabong

    List Your 2 Favorite Pool Games, In Order, and Why

    1. One Pocket, 9ft of course 2. Bank pool ring game, $X per rail with at least 4 players, 9ft'er as well
  18. ElKabong

    Who is Jack Hines?

    I was at that tournament in Huntington, didn't see Jack miss a ball he was shooting at the hole all day.
  19. ElKabong

    Sold WTS/WTT Pechauer Camelot Series CAM-10

    Very Nice Pechauer Camelot Series CAM-10 MSRP was $1500 Crown Jewel Inlaid shaft 1 of 50 signed cue 58" Butt 14.5oz Shaft 13mm 4.5oz Couple of tiny dings from play, not through clear Rolls straight together and apart, very minor taper roll to the picky, nothing lifts Can feel the rings at the...
  20. ElKabong

    Sold ZEN Merry Widow - Figured Curly Maple

    What pin does Azen use?