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  1. Samiel

    2025 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    I ran a 46 and scratched in league today (01/12/2025). It was off my opponent's opening break where a ball was wired. I also ran a 32 near the end of our match. It was played on an 8' table with super deep shelves. Volcano's in Hurst, TX Currently sitting at 598 FargoRate.
  2. Samiel

    HIGHEST RUN you've witnessed by a pro

    I haven't been to a lot of pro events, but back when I played in my first Texas Open, Eric Aicinena broke and ran the first 5 racks on me.
  3. Samiel

    European Open 2024, Aug. 6-11, Fulda, Germany

    Does anyone know the pocket size? The tables seem to be playing pretty fast.
  4. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    The 8-ball ended up near the rail about two balls up and the cueball ended up a bit below where the 8-ball was. There was room to squeeze the 8-ball past the 4-ball and hope the rail was dead enough to hold and cheat the corner pocket. It bounced slightly wide.
  5. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    We did have a timeout available and I'm kicking myself for not using it. I just assumed he would try to use draw. He's a good player, but I guess he didn't feel comfortable with draw (he stated he felt he would draw into the 3-ball, but I thought there was no problem).
  6. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    We had a problem ball before this one and he left me a long but makeable shot on it. My main objective was to leave him off the rail with a makeable shot on the 14-ball. I could possibly have left him better, but my shot was objectively harder than his shot on this 14-ball. I felt we had a...
  7. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    I did learn a lot though. I think we gave each other solid advice, but in the end, I think we each should have trusted our instincts instead of blindly following each others' advice. We both took shots we thought the other person wanted us to and probably would have done better had we just...
  8. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    Agreed. I was upset in the moment. And I agree that I look foolish for posting this, but I felt the need to vent.
  9. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    He played it with follow, bumping up the 8-ball where it had no pocket. I tried to cinch it past the 4-ball since it was a Valley with big pockets, but no dice. So it was my fault for missing the 8-ball I guess. I asked him why he didn't use draw. He thought he'd draw it into the 3-ball.
  10. Samiel

    Scotch Doubles this past Saturday

    Playing for 3rd in a small Scotch Doubles tournament this weekend, I left this shot for my partner. He needed to make the 14-ball and get me shape on the 8-ball. He's a 550+ FargoRate on a bar box. We ended up 4th. I was kind of upset.
  11. Samiel

    Situation Last Night

    You're right, I shouldn't give them the option.
  12. Samiel

    Situation Last Night

    I generally buy half myself, but since I was put into the unbid player pool (a couple people), I didn't really have that option. But I shouldn't be mad because it was my decision.
  13. Samiel

    Situation Last Night

    I was irked by a situation last night. I was playing a local tournament with a calcutta. My stomach wasn't feeling great, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to stick around or not. I asked to be put in the unbid player pool. A gentleman buys the pool. I end up in the hotseat. I've been waiting...
  14. Samiel

    Bert Kinister

    Was he around 750?
  15. Samiel

    Did Mark Wilson finally kill "aiming systems" ?

    I feel you are correct for someone new to the game. And I guess since the vast majority of pool players are "casual" you are probably correct in that more misses are because of aim. The higher level you are though, I feel it comes down to hitting the object ball where you want to.
  16. Samiel

    Bert Kinister

    I definitely feel Bert contributed a lot to the pool community. I just don't know if he played at a "pro" level or not.
  17. Samiel

    Did Mark Wilson finally kill "aiming systems" ?

    I'm sure there's an argument for both, but then why do people miss straight in shots? Is it because they don't know where to aim or because they don't hit where they are aiming? I feel when I miss, it's mainly because I don't hit the object ball where I'm aiming. Do you feel most of your...
  18. Samiel

    Did Mark Wilson finally kill "aiming systems" ?

    I feel rarely do people not know where to aim but rather have trouble hitting the spot on the object ball that they want to. I think if you asked a bunch of pros why they missed a certain shot, they'll say it's because they didn't hit where they were aiming rather than them not knowing where to...
  19. Samiel

    Bert Kinister

    I never got to see prime Bert. When I did see him play in Dallas, he seemed to jump up on every other shot and not really stay down. Maybe more of a "hustler" type of thing. I know a lot of people who have found his instructional videos great though.
  20. Samiel

    Best Pool Player you saw alive, regardless.

    In person, I've loved watching Efren and Earl. Also, there was a time when Mika seemed like he was winning everything. Watching Danny DiLiberto, Grady Matthews, and Mike Massey putting on shows were also a great joy to watch. In person, in a match, I watched Rafael Martinez do some amazing...