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  1. mm4pool

    Roku Remote Batteries Die Too Fast

    mine hasnt gone dead in over 4 months, maybe try different brand of battery. or, is your roku compatible with smart phone app? my new roku premium is, i downloaded free app to phone and now have backup remote if ever needed
  2. mm4pool

    Big truck

    an earlier post stated that Ray owned rights to the stream per contract, but it seems to me that the owner who paid Ray to be the would own rights to the product? am i misunderstanding this somehow? Mike
  3. mm4pool

    latest practice session

    exactly, also it showed me a minor flaw in stroke. i wasnt hitting the cue ball where i thought i was until i did this. Mike
  4. mm4pool

    Do even the most well respected cue makers make cues with uneven points, at times?

    i am by no means a cue maker, but i have been a woodworker for over 35 years. i will say this, in all my years working with wood, it is very unpredictable. set up a blank and cut the points one day. come back the next and they have moved. wood is a living creature even though technically the...
  5. mm4pool

    latest practice session

    just got home from a practice session. was working on some basic runout patterns. a friend texted me and said make it harder, wipe all chalk from tip and play center ball only. oh boy it was ugly at first but then i started remembering basic fundamentals and low n behold i started running balls...
  6. mm4pool

    Easier Chance & Diagram

    why not high inside, go 2 rails to get behind the 6. send it to top left corner, natural shape rest of the way out
  7. mm4pool

    this forums is full of experts ....i need help.

    maybe you need a "specialty" cue for the breaks. lol sorry couldnt resist
  8. mm4pool a few questions cor you

    i played masters for a few years is why i knew this. masters also allows pushouts
  9. mm4pool a few questions cor you

    You really should review the rules before posting as you are 100% incorrect. im sorry, which part am i 100% incorrect about? h. Jump Cues – The use of jump cues is allowed in Masters Division play. Be aware that even though Masters’ rules allow for the use of jump cues, Local League Bylaws...
  10. mm4pool a few questions cor you

    and then to muddy the waters even further, APA allows use of jump cues in masters division even though rules clearly state otherwise. LOL
  11. mm4pool a few questions cor you

    i generally dont call these kinds of rule infractions unless, as you say the other team is acting like jerks. i did however have a super 7 in 8 ball try to pull this very thing on me and i called him on it. he knew better but was trying to get away with one.
  12. mm4pool a few questions cor you

    "Jump Cues – A specialty cue designed for attempting jump shots (see JUMP SHOTS described in definitions). They may not be used to perform jump shots or massé shots (see MASSÉ SHOTS described in definitions) in standard APA League and tournament play. Break Cues – A specialty cue designed for...
  13. mm4pool a few questions cor you

    page 47 general rules is very clear. if a cue is designed or built for the purpose of breaking it cannot be used to attempt a jump shot
  14. mm4pool

    Shot Clock In League Play??

    actually APA guidelines are : 20 seconds per shot, 45 seconds for special situations. coachings should limit to one minute
  15. mm4pool

    FREE ►Texas Bar Box Open @ Skinny Bob's

    do you archive any of your streams? or maybe youtube them? i would like to watch my match with Robb if possible thanks for the show, Mike
  16. mm4pool

    who has the best stroke in the world ?

    all good candidates have been mentioned. my personal opinion, Efren didnt need a big powerful stroke most of the time because he plays such PERFECT position regardless of game. and when he did miss position he had/has the stroke to come with a big shot to get back where he needs to be! Efren is...
  17. mm4pool

    Monster cue...hits a ton...etc., etc., etc.

    the terms "lights out", monster" hits a ton are all subjective. i would be more inclined to say my cues play the way i like them. not too soft, not too harsh. just right. lol i guess call me goldilocks my cues give me just the right amount of feedback.
  18. mm4pool

    Custom Anniversary from Mark Gregory

    beautiful room and gorgeous table
  19. mm4pool

    New cue for Sale. Custom of course.

    Very festive cue
  20. mm4pool

    What cue material don't you like????

    Hate turquoise personally dont like inlaid points. Points should be sharp and even. Give me a nice 4 point recut that lets the natural beauty of the wood shine through