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  1. B

    Snooker and Fargo

    I The points thing makes sense but I can't quite picture how it would play out with actual ratings. Could you create 2 hypothetical players for me, by chance? On the smallest possible scoring unit -- You do use a one-pocket rack and that certainly has more info than an individual rack of 9...
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    Snooker and Fargo

    I don't think snooker would fit into the FR paradigm very well as snooker frames just have too much performance data baked into single frames. Sort of like a single 3 cushion race to 25 or something similar. It's just too binary for measuring pros and amateurs together. Maybe you could just...
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    DerbyCity going to Nashville...???

    I think some of you are overestimating how many people really LOVE pool. We often lose sight of this on here because we are all wired a little differently. DCC has taken the code that several amateur promoters cracked long ago -- put the event in a casino and they will come. You will always have...
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    time for stu SJM to get some kind of award

    He's got us. What more could a man want? :)
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    A conversation with Anthony Meglino: The best player many people have never heard of...

    Of course he's a threat to beat pros in a single race and that's quite an accomplishment! I think that's the ultimate goal of any "amateur" player. Now maybe he's not a threat to win a big tournament, but neither are 90 percent of actual professionals.
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    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    Thanks for all the advice in this thread. I don't know how you guys do it though. Losing to people you know you can beat is tough on the ego. I recognize I need to adjust my expectations but I'm not sure I'm going to do that. Upon reflection, I realize my free time -- not that I have much of it...
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    ACS tournament craziness in Iowa

    Just to clarify: It reads that two 8-to-6 matches were ongoing (so on the hill) and the TD's expectation was that NOBODY was supposed to stop and watch their teammate win the championship rack, but instead keep playing and pretend not to watch out of the corner of their eye what was going on...
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    ACS tournament craziness in Iowa

    I've been on several teams that have won state level ACS Championships and his post rings true. Once Sunday rolls around, it always feels like the only thing they are concerned with is getting out of there. So they are always pushing you to play on as many tables as possible. Teams ALWAYS push...
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    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    We've both been on AZ a while. Percentage wise, what do you think the odds are that I've read that book more than once?
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    ACS tournament craziness in Iowa

    I've gotten pretty decent at discerning the truth in these matters after reading the accounts on AZ. I'm pegging your post at about 99% truthfulness. I haven't heard too many good things about ACS in recent years.
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    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    I've put in the time, just haven't competed enough over the years to validate my level of play. So I guess I haven't put in the time on the actual competitive table. I don't think I need to "grow up". I'm just chatting with my pool playing buddies that I'd think would understand. But then...
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    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    I do usually have fun when I play, just not recently. This is where the team events are fun but I haven't done one in several years. Think the locals have given up on me. :) I can play bad and still enjoy watching my teammates succeed. Really I'm just venting. I'm getting older. Probably...
  13. B

    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    Thanks. I'm no world beater, but I can run a rack or two. I play well enough to be disappointed at times. There's some good advice in here so far. Guess I'm just at a crossroads, where pool totally becomes a hobby or I start working at it again. I'm sure @ChrisinNC is right to an extent, but...
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    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    I haven't been playing at all, which includes hitting balls at home, but I had a free day so I went and played a bar table tourney. It was on Diamonds and I played poorly. Squeaked out a few matches but even those involved more luck than skill. I'm almost a week removed from this and I can't...
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    Turning Stone XL

    Maybe so. I'm sure some like playing them. I'm sure others like winning money. Guess I'm just looking at it from Zuglan's point of view. The whole racking thing proves he's a quite stubborn guy but at the same time he's kept things rolling. It's never really seemed like anyone on AZ is very...
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    Turning Stone XL

    Why should Zuglan care at all about the top players? They aren't the ones that have kept him in the game this long. He has figured out a working formula that's kept his regional tour going maybe longer than any other. Actually, catering to top pros would be a slap in the face to the all the...
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    Isn't this a different table?
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    You're not wrong. I don't know why the pocket specs are always such a mystery, but they are. It's weird because the pocket size doesn't matter to me since the table is clearly being purposely setup to resemble what previous greats played on. That makes total sense to me. What doesn't make sense...
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    You shouldn't keep saying it -- because it's just not true. Do you really think these top players are feeling the heat in a 14.1 match with 650 dollars on the line? They may have felt some heat while playing in the finals of a 14.1 tourney back in the day, but the truth is -- many of them played...
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    Konrad’s journey through suckage!

    Yeah it's totally shocking I tell ya. There should have been an over/under on his disappearance. I think just about every delusional "I'm gonna be a pro" quits after a few months.