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  1. Poolmanis

    How Many AZBilliarders are Trickshooter?

    Tänks. Casper played vs me 2 times perfect match. So 3rd place for me this time. It was ok. Long time since I played in strong tournament. 5 Pro players in. Especially, when i was sick just before tournament and could not practice at all before it..
  2. Poolmanis

    How Many AZBilliarders are Trickshooter?

    I used to be...
  3. Poolmanis

    Tip keeps getting shredded

    Anything else
  4. Poolmanis

    Tip keeps getting shredded

    It is well known feature of Kamui tips... My buddy go through 3-5 per year of those. I ask why you still use those crap..called tips
  5. Poolmanis

    Learned something new...

    How about this break.... Happened once to me in 30 years..
  6. Poolmanis

    Rip Danny Diliberto

    R.I.P Danny. I´m gonna have watch Accustats one pocket for memory of him. I´m gonna take a shot everytime he says "Well, he left a bank" Let´s see how many matches i can watch :)
  7. Poolmanis


    Are you sure it is really Taom Chalk? Sounds odd...
  8. Poolmanis

    Funny pic/gif thread...

  9. Poolmanis

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Juicy melons!
  10. Poolmanis

    Pocket Facing Thickness Question

    softer plays easier. If you use shim pockets and want them play fair i suggest get one piece that is thicker and softer than 2 thinner ones together. I did shim our 11.5 cm Dynamic 3 table 2 different ways and that which had one thicker facing was way better to play. Also when banking close to...
  11. Poolmanis

    Which Way? Low Or Left?

    Well. I like to put these kind of concepts to test. Shoot both ways options 20 times and compare results.. I know my results already.
  12. Poolmanis

    Which Way? Low Or Left?

    You are actually adding component that is making shot more difficult. Stun creates a lot of friction and if you miss your stun effect you miss shot too. Soft speed a lot middle left makes this easiest.. Same can be said about soft middle english but margin of error is larger on that.
  13. Poolmanis

    WNT and WPA. Frazer says…

    Yes. It would have totally different impact if all best players would keep in it.
  14. Poolmanis

    Can't play no mo blues.

    Download shooter´s pool. When I am sick I play that. It is very close to real billiards simulation.
  15. Poolmanis

    2025 AZB Ghost Challenge - Official Thread

    Here is my 10-0 win.. Match was until i miss length ;)
  16. Poolmanis

    Cushion response issue

    No pic on post seen... Anyways nose hight should be about 36,5mm (1,43 inch) from cloth If i remember right. Maybe your table have K55 rails..
  17. Poolmanis

    Magic Rack and Joshua Filler's 7-pack

    Kid tables with soft breaking and pattern racking don't count..
  18. Poolmanis

    Magic Rack and Joshua Filler's 7-pack

    Josh is very good with this easier break rules break. I remember Pia claimed one stream she was commentating that Josh break and run 25 racks on practice before he won 9-ball world champs. Controlling the one ball perfectly..
  19. Poolmanis

    Funny pic/gif thread...

  20. Poolmanis

    2025 AZB Ghost Challenge - Official Thread

    Played normal ghost today morning after night shift. I have 9-ball tournament coming up in Valentines Day - weekend. So gave 9-ball some love. I get video to youtube later :)