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  1. Celophanewrap

    Help me place a value on this

    Greetings, I have a buddy that would like to purchase a cue that I have, but my history is that I’m really terrible at making deals with friends. So I wonder if you all might help a brother out. I have a Predator P3, black with the Predator Luxe wrap, has the Z2 shaft that came with it, also has...
  2. Celophanewrap

    does anyone pay the crazy prices for production cues>???

    Well, something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I wonder if many people would really be able to tell the difference?
  3. Celophanewrap

    Should we all be emailing ESPN?

    If this business goes on much longer pool might be very well received. I hear the NBA is bracing for a likely at least 3 month hiatus, if they return at all and I’d expect the same for the rest of the sports. Entertainment will be on its last leg in short order, in about a month or two a pro...
  4. Celophanewrap

    APA on the Corona Virus

    I just came back from the grocery store, a couple of people almost came to blows over a box of pasta. It was an eye opening excursion for me and left me very disappointed in society. I'm seeing primal instincts beginning to return and I'm just as scared of this as everyone else. In thinking...
  5. Celophanewrap

    Difficult to agree on

    I understand in some APA areas the LO has forbidden this, however I believe it's still legal in the APA on the National Level
  6. Celophanewrap

    Possible to make a Triangle tip softer?

    I can think of a couple of ways to soften them up a bit, but wouldn’t be simpler, and certainly faster to just order a couple of new tips that you would normally use? If you’re trying to transition to a single layer tip, you might start with Elkmaster or LePro, or even a Triumph for something...
  7. Celophanewrap

    Pool in need of another great ambassador

    Yes, but they had money to do that. Most people will tune in to watch a pretty girl shoot a ball. It probably would have helped if they had an American winner from time to time. t became like the WNBA or Pro Skiing events, mainly done for the benefit of the European audience and Euro...
  8. Celophanewrap

    Pool in need of another great ambassador

    I think pool needs a personality. Golf, Tennis, certainly Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, even LaCross, and Soccer, have players that maybe aren't the best but they give a good interview. Most pool players lack reasonable social skills (one trip to NPR will tell you that). The girls are...
  9. Celophanewrap

    Delaminated Tip

    When you have those tips reshaped or trimmed down on a lathe you must be very careful with the turning speed. At too high a speed you generate too much heat and the glue degrades quickly and the layered, laminated tip tends to sort of explode. It's sort of neat to watch, as long as it's someone...
  10. Celophanewrap

    When does equipment make a difference?

    I remember as a kid that the right "tennies" made you run faster, jump higher, of course, that's what we thought..... While I'd never expect to win with a simple broom stick or ax handle, ,what I've found over the years is that I like higher quality equipment, or something singular, custom...
  11. Celophanewrap

    Any one else go back to cheaper cues ?

    Hey Lo, did you qualify for Las Vegas Singles at the end of April?
  12. Celophanewrap

    Any one else go back to cheaper cues ?

    I have purchased several cues that were going to be my 'Holy Grail', really didn't care for any of them. I always somehow manage to go back to my old player. Back in the early 90's when Predator was a reasonably new company I bought one with a 5/16 X 14 joint. I've taken good care of it and...
  13. Celophanewrap

    If you could travel back in time, where would you travel to, and why?

    I'd also go back to the mid - later 80's. Not to see a pool match, but because back then I got laid all the time. I'm way more shallow than most of you
  14. Celophanewrap

    Who got the apa thread deleted ?

    I get the feeling that he is getting a commission from The SBE. I don't think I've ever seen anyone anywhere push an event as hard as he pushes that one. I think that one of the issues with pool in America is the reputation that pool has built over the years. Some greasy back alley game for...
  15. Celophanewrap

    How do you turn the tide when you just don't "have it"

    Since it is league, you might try to have a couple of beers to loosen up before you play, but if you were looking for something a little more pool related.... Some nights you step to the table and you feel alright, you're not stuffed, you're not dizzy, you don't have a headache, and everything...
  16. Celophanewrap

    Please read this thread.

    It's my understanding that God hears whenever you talk to him. A little faith can go an awful long way, best to you and yours
  17. Celophanewrap

    Help picking a cue

    If you’re in a hurry to do this it’s going to have to be something you like the look of and hope it works out. We can usually talk ourselves into just about anything. But realize that the customs are all a little different. The hit may vary on every Scruggs from cue to cue. If you’re really...
  18. Celophanewrap


    I find if you grind you tip into your opponent it will pretty much take the chalk residue off completely. but seriously, I do it because it helps to keep the inside of the case clean
  19. Celophanewrap

    LTB: Stroke Training Devices

    I tried a few of the new-fangled, high-tech stroke trainers and I'm convinced that this is still the best I have come across. I have a few left, I'll let 'em go cheap, Anyone try these? I believe they work wonders
  20. Celophanewrap

    how are ya'll doing in league ?

    Just let them know that is you're a 3 and it says so right on the score sheet, then show them. Also tell them if they practice as much as they b!tch they'd be a much better player. I mean, since just by looking at your number they should be able to tell that you're a new player. They might not...