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  1. W

    Fire Sale

    Pre cat hey man can you txt me pic off the pre cat.. Really interested you can txt me or Call me. 540-293-6774 thanks billy Walker.. I'll probley want it
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    WTB unlock catted 314

    Yes mr English teacher.. Oh wait it's Mr right
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    WTB unlock catted 314

    Just like the title says I'm looking to buy a unlock catted 314.
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    $20 Power One Pocket Sale!

    Yelp!! I'll take one... Thanks
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    Russian Ken

    Kenny I was told he air barreled a 16 year old boy at the derby for like 7,000.. And the kid was playin on is own money..
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    For Sale 9 Foot Diamond Pro Am Pool Table

    Table Pm sent... Thanks
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    Funny altercation I saw at the pool hall.

    I would of been like that's ok man just get it next time, especially just running 10 sets up his butt.. Who cares if you get the last 50..Lmao I beat this guy out of 1100 one night he went to pay me the last game I said keep it you had a bad night, makes things easyer and I bet he comes back...
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    Vintage Suede It's George soft case for trade !!!

    Case Pm sent.. Thanks
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    Rick Howard 6point

    Pics Send me pics please 540-293-6774 Thanks, billy
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    For sale 2012 Andy Gilbert J/B

    Next If it falls through I'll take it...
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    Cues For Sale - Predator - KC - Customs - Jump - Break

    Can you send me some info on cue 3. Thanks
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    80's Frank Coster Cue

    You should get ahold of dick Abbott he has a huge collection of these cues I think he even plAys with one look him up at his phone number is on there to.
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    NEW Predator Chalk For Sale, 2 for $7 shipped

    Me to Ill take 5 myself what's your PayPal thanks.
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    Who is the oldest on the forum and who is the youngest??

    Youngest one I know of. Zack "The attack" Hampton in a friend of mine on here he just one the 14 and under nation championship. Let me tell you guys be lookin out for this kid in a few years his going to be a champ
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    Aimming question

    She over cuts balls on both sides I think she's not seein the angle from her being left eye dominet.
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    Aimming question

    I don't play apa so I don't know I just play for the cash. Are they any DVDs out there to help her.
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    Aimming question

    I was playing the other day with my gf and notice she over cut so many balls it's not funny so after the match I started asking questions and found out she is left eye dominet but she shoots right handed can anyone out there give me some tips to help her. She started playin apa less then a year...
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    Power One Pocket Special for 1 Week Only - $20!

    power one pocket hey ill take one....
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    predator and its george case

    To the top...
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    predator and its george case

    the predator is Uni-Loc with the silver ring...thanks for looking