Search results

  1. cycopath

    Best Slow Nap Cloth

    My brother wants to put some kind of slow nap cloth on his table reminiscent of the Gorina IPT cloth. What are his best choices these days? Most everything is worsted. I never install nap cloth anymore. Is Championship Invitational too slow compared to the Gorina IPT cloth? (I've never seen the...
  2. cycopath

    'NEW'...."The RackZAPPER"

  3. cycopath

    Doing a Gold Crown II by yourself

    Until recently, as far as Gold Crowns go, I’ve only ever recovered GC III’s and my personal GC IV. I was recently hired to do a GC II at a local Senior Center. I had no idea the aprons were held in position by that strange clip/hinge system. I see why Brunswick abandoned that idea later. Really...
  4. cycopath

    Ugh, pulling long staples suck…

    Shhhh don’t speak that into existence! [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. cycopath

    Ugh, pulling long staples suck…

  6. cycopath

    Need Diamond Professional Corner Rail Caps

    Good news! My friend contacted the seller and after a more thorough search of his garage the caps were found! Along with the pockets he couldn’t find before… Thanks for the replies guys.
  7. cycopath

    Need Diamond Professional Corner Rail Caps

    My friend bought a converted 9ft Red Label Professional. It was already disassembled and really kind of scattered in the guy’s garage. We couldn’t find the pockets. No problem, the guy ordered a new set for my friend. But we didn’t notice the corner rail caps were missing. Is there a way of...
  8. cycopath

    Need Diamond Professional Rail Corner Caps

    My friend bought a converted 9ft Red Label Professional. It was already disassembled and really kind of scattered in the guy’s garage. We couldn’t find the pockets. No problem, the guy ordered a new set for my friend. But we didn’t notice the corner rail caps were missing. Is there a way of...
  9. cycopath

    Ball holder for Diamond Professional

    That’s exactly what I figured, just thought I’d ask before my friend purchased something he can’t even use. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. cycopath

    Ball holder for Diamond Professional

    I have a friend that’s wanting to mount a ball holder to his older Professional. Does the ball holder that Diamond offers for the Pro Am tables work on the Professional? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. cycopath

    Pre-label Diamond Professional

    I was recently at a weekly tournament while I was out of town visiting the in-laws. The room had eight 9 foot Diamond Professionals and a few bar box Valleys. You could instantly tell the Diamonds were older because of having the rounded outside corners. Then I noticed several didn’t even have...
  12. cycopath

    Best 3 piece slate 7ft table?

    I helped a friend put his 7ft Smart Table on the second floor of his house. The staircase was two half flights with a narrow landing between, but we got it in there. So yes, where there’s a will there’s a way… most of the time. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out though.
  13. cycopath

    Best 3 piece slate 7ft table?

    It wasn’t a matter of the stairs. The staircase was straight but the landing at the top was very narrow, and you had to take a hard right turn into the room. A one piece slate is way too cumbersome to lift over people’s heads to try to make the turn. I don’t care how nice the table is, it’s not...
  14. cycopath

    Best 3 piece slate 7ft table?

    The options were either taking out walls or using a Lull and removing upstairs windows, either of which would have cost thousands of dollars.
  15. cycopath

    Best 3 piece slate 7ft table?

    My friend had to sell his 7ft Diamond ProAm because it was impossible to get it into the only room that’s big enough to fit a table in the new house. So he’s looking for an alternative. I suggested a 3 piece slate table. What manufacturer should he be looking for? I don’t think there’s a huge...
  16. cycopath

    Identify cue maker logo

    I don’t have the cue to take a pice of it. A guy I know was asking me about the logo and I took a pic of it. I can say it is a no wrap stained maple butt with a G10 3/8-10 pin.
  17. cycopath

    Identify cue maker logo

    Anyone know this logo
  18. cycopath

    Matchroom Premier League Pool (PLP) (14-21 Feb2022), nineball, 9ft, Winner $20K

    Curious if Matchroom provides practice tables for the players at the venue. Anyone know?
  19. cycopath

    Explain this gambling term

    Yes, I meant along with that aspect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. cycopath

    Explain this gambling term

    Also if you give the the player the “wild X” (x being whichever specific ball) that ball counts on the break. Otherwise it doesn’t. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk