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  1. T

    Help with table I.D. possibly Brunswick Gold Crown?

    Yea they have it listed for $700 and I thought it seemed like a decent price if a gold crown. Worried though ahats under the hood after seeing the outside. Didn't want to take a trip and tell them ill take it and then it turns out not to be a gold crown so just wanted everyone's opinion...
  2. T

    Help with table I.D. possibly Brunswick Gold Crown?

    I'm in PA. So what's everyone think its worth? I assume it'll play like a gold crown? Wondering if rails and slate could be all messed up since the rest of it is mismatched.
  3. T

    Help with table I.D. possibly Brunswick Gold Crown?

    Yea it has the brunswick logo i believe above where you rack. Yea I thought it seemed strange. It doesn't have the badge on the rail either.
  4. T

    Help with table I.D. possibly Brunswick Gold Crown?

    I can't find any pics with one with metal side aprons? Is it a special edition or something?
  5. T

    Help with table I.D. possibly Brunswick Gold Crown?

    Hi I'm looking to see if this is a brunswick gold crown before I make the trip to get it. Owner doesn't know. Looks like it has the "B" above where you rack. What's throwing me off is the rack holder, and also its a gloss black top with darker wood legs and doesn't have the brunswick logo in...
  6. T

    Sold 888

    How much do you want?
  7. T

    Sold Custom Lambros cue with 2 shafts

    The seller didn't know? Yea I guess everyone just isn't as smart as you right?
  8. T

    Sold Custom Lambros cue with 2 shafts

    Is this an ultra joint?
  9. T

    Sold Tables for sale - Diamond, Gold Crown, Centennial

    I see the black diamond is a blue label. Any of the other diamonds blue labels?
  10. T

    Sold Lambros alert!!

    Any pics of the joint?
  11. T

    ebsupp took my money and ran

    Did you try filing a claim with PayPal? Same thing happened to me with a bk2 8 years ago. I think I ended up talking to paypal on phone and explained how the seller insisted how I had to send them the payment via gift and wouldn't sell otherwise to me basically. And they escalated the claim and...
  12. T

    New Segen cue $600

    What's the difference between the concentric joint that it says it has and a radial?
  13. T

    Michael Morgan Titlist

    Can you post a full butt pic? Sweet cue thanks. Tim
  14. T

    Ebony Titlist

    Sent a few pms, haven't gotten any if you tried sending one back
  15. T

    1969 Block Letter JOSS-Rare Bumperless Hoppe

    If deal falls through let me know
  16. T

    Old Tim Scruggs Sneaky Pete $400

    If you don't like it Wade let me know if you sell. Thanks, Tim
  17. T

    Cue ID: Valley Top Gun house cues

    Yea they play great and look nice! Was thinking maybe they can be converted eventually. So we're these the model before the valley Supremes? I thought it was like a top of the line house cue maybe?
  18. T

    Cue ID: Valley Top Gun house cues

    Recently picked up a pair of Valley Top Gun 1 piece house cues. Never heard or seen them before and can't find any info online. Just curious if anyone has ever seen them before. Looks like really nice wood quality used to make them. Thanks, Tim
  19. T

    1968-1969 Joss Bumperless Hoppe

    If sale falls through let me know