Search results

  1. C

    Maybe this is one question that has never been asked.

    If you do not gamble on Pool, why not❓ Personally money at risk of loss, I’d distraction, plus the time it took too earn don’t justify the risk.
  2. C

    Anyone like free, then hurry🏄‍♂️

  3. C

    Sold V -10 Toam Chalk Green

  4. C

    JBCase teaches CTE

  5. C

    MSM point to secret Pool Room
  6. C

    Dr. Dave on vacation in exotic place❓

    Miss another U -Tube from the Doctor, good medicine.
  7. C

    Happy Labor Day folks

    Finishing up work aka house cleaning. No Labor Day holiday 4 me. Being self employed mostly errr did not make much out of any day, would never say no if phone rang for work. Next. Shower, then Cigar, then Pool.🥳
  8. C

    How many Cues do you own today

    We have a member I said need change his user name too: TOOMANYCUES. Guy had unique collection, live in Eastern Europe. Me I just have couple I play it try to play with. Not collector, out grew that habit.
  9. C

    What is your hourly fee to play Pool or day pass fee?

    Our community room Is closed two weeks.🤯 Called around yesterday to commercial places rate seem high. $6.00-$10.00/hr, couple of deals on day passed $10.00-$20.00 up till 4 or 5 pm.
  10. C

    Check out Pool prices per hour.

    NYC is not cheap, 🤯🤮 PLEASE NOTE: Sunday-Wednesday reservation rate: $76 per table per hour. Thursday-Saturday reservation rate: $84 per table per hour. Tables are not reserved until full payment is received. Reservation pricing does not include food...
  11. C

    Toam V-10 again.💩

    Still using original Cube, after over 90 still look unused.👍 Stuff works well, and lasts well.🥳
  12. C

    Is it time to shut down AZB's NPR Sub-Forum

    Simple question, it should not be too complicated to answer? Pill results are just voicing opinion if Non - Pool Related Sub -Forum should go away for fot goof like a Cancer you can kill off.🥳
  13. C

    Idea about missing shot.💡

    Something to ponder.🤫
  14. C

    Secrets of Pool Hustling.🤯

    This popped up on U-Tube, it is funny, sad, and not very good. Anyone ever hear of this U-Tube star hustler? End of the production is aweful when they pretend to be painters.🤮
  15. C

    Bowling Pool Balls

  16. C

    Secret Aiming.

    This popped up.🤫 Must be secret.🤭
  17. C

    Paul Mottey Cues

    Is this builder still active, as friend has been gifted one of Paul’s Cues. If he is still active, as Cue is in need of repair on one shaft. Please advise contact info. Search for web-site, etc came up blank. Thx.
  18. C

    So as price of Gasoline increases?

    Room traffic down, or people still coming?
  19. C

    CF v/s Wood scoop with ideas & science behind ideas, and info.💡

    Warning do not watch if your closed minded.🤭
  20. C

    So did anyone go to SBE, and take photos ❓

    If so please post, was it crazy wonderful, bust. Normally we get some reports.