Mr. Bond error corrected


Well-known member
Silver Member
Mr. Bond, I just read the error correction in Billiards Digest in Tips & Shafts. I guess no one is perfect but at least he made a prompt correction.

Mr. Bond

Orbis Non Sufficit
Gold Member
Silver Member
You caught me off guard lol I had not seen that yet.
But its nothing to get alarmed about. He did no harm whatsoever.

George is Good People™


Well-known member
Silver Member
I agree, George is outstanding people. I turn to the last page of BD FIRST every month. He is after all, human the same as the rest of us. We all make mistakes. He was prompt in correcting his and giving proper credit. I only hope that both you and he keep up your good work for the sport for many years to come.

Thanks a Million!!