Answer this honestly please

Silver Member
if you stay down on the shot long enough to see it hit the object ball (if you dont you should..jmho )
1) do you miss because you dont hit what you were aiming at most of the time???
thats flaws in your fundamentals not aiming
2) do you miss because you hit where you were aiming and it was the wrong target??
i would bet $1.50 that the majority of you miss because of #1 not #2
so work on your stroke will get you farther than an aiming system
your thoughts?

But some have serious aim issues, for example, not aiming to the true pocket center for most shots. Then they swerve during the stroke, often subconciously.

It's what you wrote (straight stroking) but also, commitment during play.

Weak players tend to focus on immediate percentage, not long term growth. They'd rather swerve their stroke to make balls than commit to a straight stroke.

If you always commit to a straight stroke, noting when you over cut or under cut shots will help refine your aim by instinct.

Gold Member
Silver Member
About 4 years ago I setup some shots and had my wife shoot using traditional ghostball guesstimations, then had her shoot the same shots, which were 1/2 ball and 3/4 ball shots, telling her to aim straight through ccb to the ob edge or halfway between ob center and ob edge. She was a D player, but would occasionally be able to pocket 3 or 4 shots in a row.

We started with straight in shots just to make sure I had the cb close enough to the ob to minimize wonky stroke errors. The distance was about 8 to 10 inches, and the ob was about 25 inches from the pocket. I think she shot a total of 130 shots. The results proved without a doubt that knowing exactly where to aim, compared to guessing or estimating where to aim, can drastically increase pocketing percentage.

If I had set the shots up with 2 or 3 feet between cb and ob, the results would've been inclusive because her inconsistent cue delivery/mechanics would have influenced the aiming experiment, and I wanted to minimize that element of her shooting in order to highlight the difference between aiming methods -- the difference between knowing where to aim and guessing or estimating where to aim.

The same theory can work to highlight inconsistent stroke mechanics by simply increasing the distance between the balls and using a known aim point to pocket each shot. If the aim line is 100% known, and you shoot the shot 20 times, pocketing the ob cleanly each time, then your stroke is fine. If you miss some of the shots that would indicate a stroke error or an alignment or visual error.

Let's say you pocket 50 balls in a row, each shot being a halfball aim. That would prove that you have a good stroke and alignment to strike the cb along a known path. Next you randomly roll the cb and ob out to a shot, ensuring that the distance between cb and ob is about what it was on the 50 shots you just finished, then shoot the ball based on where you think or feel or estimate the aim to be. Do this 50 times, 50 random shots anywhere from straight in to about a quarter ball hit. Don't setup world beater cut shots or bank shots...keep it simple.

If you make all 50 then you have excellent stroke mechanics and excellent aiming skills. But if you miss a few, or miss a bunch, it would indicate an error in aiming skills/judgment. Your feel/estimation/guessing isn't the best. You'll have to put in a lot more table time. Or you can adopt an aiming system or method that will help you recognize certain shots with more regularity.


You want some of this?
Silver Member
Parallax is not the same as perspective.

I said "Parallax" but perspective represents the human reaction to it. So yes they are one in the same.

I routinely line up and make spot shots by aiming my cue tip at the edge of the object ball. So you're right whatever you can find that works for you
just works and you adjust from what works.