Another Mud Table


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
The most amazing thing!

That is a truly impressive build. All of the work that just went into making the room was impressive. I did notice they have caught the tight pocket bug with a vengeance. Those pockets were about one and a half balls wide. Doesn't look like they are into low deflection shafts yet though.

The oddest thing I noticed was that they have six toes. Is that an adaptation to the area or is it because they aren't from around here, as in this planet! Are they aliens just trying to blend in?



A few observations...

1) Alas- sad comment on two guys who have no social life, end up building the pool hall to continue their life unencumbered by romantic involvement (if the pair are a couple, then forget this point, other than to say they are still domiciled in a pool hall, like so many of us are/were/will be).

2) Where can I get one of those cues. A collection would not be complete without one. SBE 2020?

3) Couldn't they have moved the walls back just another couple of feet on each side...?

4) How did I kill so much time watching this and then posting this for no reason other than to blow off what I really should be doing?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
some of it is real, some of it is fake. the diameter of the finished balls seemed to be bigger than the wood chunks they started out with


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wonder if these guys build this stuff to make money from the video and then live in a nice house.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Funniest part is they built the room so small they needed shorty cues!