Torn Bicep Tendon experience?


Has anyone had any experience recovering from a torn distal bicep tendon? My surgery to reattach the tendon in my cue arm was about a month ago, and I'm looking for any tips on recovery and pool... How long did it take for full power to return? Any long-term issues? Thanks!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Has anyone had any experience recovering from a torn distal bicep tendon? My surgery to reattach the tendon in my cue arm was about a month ago, and I'm looking for any tips on recovery and pool... How long did it take for full power to return? Any long-term issues? Thanks!
That injury is no joke my friend. I have known a few friends that happened to. Very slow recovery. I partially tore a pec muscle on my right side and eventually ruptured the tendon on my left pec. I had to have screws and threaded over to anchor in place. For THAT type of injury the collagen fibers take 18 months to completely realign correctly.
I am pretty diesel, so if you train hard as the years pass, tough to not sustain an injury. Significant or otherwise.

My best advice is read up on YOUR specific injury. Doctors help, but reading is a great aid. When you return to being active, slower is better. Trust me.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I had mine repaired 8 or so years ago, followed my rehab to the nth degree, and today I can't even tell something was wrong other than a scar. I had some numbness in my thumb due to the incision from the surgery, but that went away in a year or so and I'm now right as rain. Brian.


Thanks for the info...

Good to know it does heal... The surgery was only 30 days ago, and I have attempted to gently play already, but nothing above half speed. It sounds as if I may be trying too early. I've been surprised I felt like trying so soon. The surgeon said he thought I was doing really well, and way ahead of most people after this surgery when he checked me this week. They drilled a hole through the bone and tied the back off, and added a screw for support. I told him I'd tried to play, and he saId I must have a high pain tolerance. LOL! It is still slightly swollen, and a little sore. My draw stroke is limited to about 20% of normal, but it didn't mess with direction at all. I'm pretty weak on multi-rail banks too. Did your wrist and forearm stay sore for very long? My wrist still feels inhibited from natural motion... And I know that thumb-numbness you mention well! Thanks!
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poQet trainer

Silver Member
you're looking at a six month recovery period, which will include facilitated stretching, massage, ROM and strength exercise and anything else your PT deems necessary. The right physical therapist will make all the difference. I wouldn't think pool too much until then, but you will have full function if you do what you are told. so no pool, masturbation or anything else that requires heavy use of the arm:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
I read your reply to another post. from experience, even though you feel like you're able to use the arm, don't. you are only going to delay the recovery. aggravating the area which will cause swelling and soreness is a sign of "leave me the f alone". It's not easy, losing the use of an arm is very difficult, but if you do your rehab properly, it is the only way to ensure a successful return. You do what you are comfortable with, I can't tell you what to do, but you asked and this is my reply.
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