League schedule generating software?


Coos Cues
We have a small BCA league with 12 teams. We need a 22 week home and away schedule. This would be a very easy task if we had 12 venues but we only have 7. And software for this is readily available.

But 5 of the venues have two teams playing out of them and 2 venues have only one team. Now to generate a schedule without conflicts where each team gets one home and one road game over the season seems quite challenging. We have 6 home matches each week and 7 home venues so it seems like it should be possible. But if it is possible it's trickier than it seems on first glance.

Is there any software that could help with this or just settle the fact that it's not mathematically possible?




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We have a small BCA league with 12 teams. We need a 22 week home and away schedule. This would be a very easy task if we had 12 venues but we only have 7. And software for this is readily available.

But 5 of the venues have two teams playing out of them and 2 venues have only one team. Now to generate a schedule without conflicts where each team gets one home and one road game over the season seems quite challenging. We have 6 home matches each week and 7 home venues so it seems like it should be possible. But if it is possible it's trickier than it seems on first glance.

Is there any software that could help with this or just settle the fact that it's not mathematically possible?



I will talk to Steve Ernst--a really smart guy and the other half of FargoRate-- who is developing the League Management software to connect to Fargo Ratings. Steve solved these multiple-constraint league scheduling situations using an innovative genetic algorithm.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We have a small BCA league with 12 teams. We need a 22 week home and away schedule. This would be a very easy task if we had 12 venues but we only have 7. And software for this is readily available.

But 5 of the venues have two teams playing out of them and 2 venues have only one team. Now to generate a schedule without conflicts where each team gets one home and one road game over the season seems quite challenging. We have 6 home matches each week and 7 home venues so it seems like it should be possible. But if it is possible it's trickier than it seems on first glance.

Is there any software that could help with this or just settle the fact that it's not mathematically possible?



This is a 24-team, 22-week, home-and-away schedule, with two divisions.
Remove Division 2 for a 12-team, 24-week, home-and-away schedule, with one division.
Stop at week 12 if teams play each other only once.
This schedule can be used with less teams by adding byes.

This schedule has been made so that pairs of teams from the same bar will never play at home on the same week.
This means that a bar with two teams will have exactly one match each week, a bar with four teams will have exactly two matches each week, etc.

1. Start with the bars that have more than one team
2. Group a bar's teams in pairs.
3. If there is an odd number of teams at a bar, set aside the one team that has no pair.
4. Fill each pair of teams into the schedule.
a. If the pair of teams is in the same division, choose codes with the same first two characters (eg. A3A and A3B)
b. If the pair of teams is in different divisions, choose codes with the same last two characters (eg. A5B and B5B)
5. Repeat for each bar with multiple teams.
6. Look at the teams that are left over (if there are any). No two of these teams should be from the same bar.
7. Assign these remaining teams to any available division code.
8. Replace any unused codes with a BYE.

Send me an email at sbpoolleague@cox.net if you have any other questions.

A1A at A1B .. B1B at B1A
A2A at A5A .. B5A at B2A
A3B at A3A .. B3A at B3B
A4A at A6B .. B6B at B4A
A5B at A2B .. B2B at B5B
A6A at A4B .. B4B at B6A

A1A at A2A .. B2A at B1A
A2B at A4B .. B4B at B2B
A3A at A5A .. B5A at B3A
A4A at A3B .. B3B at B4A
A5B at A1B .. B1B at B5B
A6B at A6A .. B6A at B6B

A1B at A2B .. B2B at B1B
A2A at A6A .. B6A at B2A
A3B at A1A .. B1A at B3B
A4B at A3A .. B3A at B4B
A5A at A4A .. B4A at B5A
A6B at A5B .. B5B at B6B

A1A at A5A .. B5A at B1A
A2B at A6B .. B6B at B2B
A3A at A4A .. B4A at B3A
A4B at A1B .. B1B at B4B
A5B at A2A .. B2A at B5B
A6A at A3B .. B3B at B6A

A1B at A3A .. B3A at B1B
A2A at A2B .. B2B at B2A
A3B at A5B .. B5B at B3B
A4A at A1A .. B1A at B4A
A5A at A6A .. B6A at B5A
A6B at A4B .. B4B at B6B

A1B at A6B .. B6B at B1B
A2B at A3B .. B3B at B2B
A3A at A1A .. B1A at B3A
A4B at A2A .. B2A at B4B
A5B at A5A .. B5A at B5B
A6A at A4A .. B4A at B6A

A1A at A6A .. B6A at B1A
A2A at A1B .. B1B at B2A
A3B at A4B .. B4B at B3B
A4A at A5B .. B5B at B4A
A5A at A2B .. B2B at B5A
A6B at A3A .. B3A at B6B

A1B at A3B .. B3B at B1B
A2B at A4A .. B4A at B2B
A3A at A6A .. B6A at B3A
A4B at A5A .. B5A at B4B
A5B at A1A .. B1A at B5B
A6B at A2A .. B2A at B6B

A1B at A6A .. B6A at B1B
A2B at A3A .. B3A at B2B
A3B at A5A .. B5A at B3B
A4A at A2A .. B2A at B4A
A5B at A4B .. B4B at B5B
A6B at A1A .. B1A at B6B

A1A at A2B .. B2B at B1A
A2A at A3A .. B3A at B2A
A3B at A6B .. B6B at B3B
A4A at A4B .. B4B at B4A
A5A at A1B .. B1B at B5A
A6A at A5B .. B5B at B6A

A1B at A4A .. B4A at B1B
A2A at A3B .. B3B at B2A
A3A at A5B .. B5B at B3A
A4B at A1A .. B1A at B4B
A5A at A6B .. B6B at B5A
A6A at A2B .. B2B at B6A

A1B at A1A .. B1A at B1B
A2B at A5B .. B5B at B2B
A3A at A3B .. B3B at B3A
A4B at A6A .. B6A at B4B
A5A at A2A .. B2A at B5A
A6B at A4A .. B4A at B6B

A1B at A5B .. B5B at B1B
A2A at A1A .. B1A at B2A
A3B at A4A .. B4A at B3B
A4B at A2B .. B2B at B4B
A5A at A3A .. B3A at B5A
A6A at A6B .. B6B at B6A

A1A at A3B .. B3B at B1A
A2B at A1B .. B1B at B2B
A3A at A4B .. B4B at B3A
A4A at A5A .. B5A at B4A
A5B at A6B .. B6B at B5B
A6A at A2A .. B2A at B6A

A1B at A4B .. B4B at B1B
A2A at A5B .. B5B at B2A
A3B at A6A .. B6A at B3B
A4A at A3A .. B3A at B4A
A5A at A1A .. B1A at B5A
A6B at A2B .. B2B at B6B

A1A at A4A .. B4A at B1A
A2B at A2A .. B2A at B2B
A3A at A1B .. B1B at B3A
A4B at A6B .. B6B at B4B
A5B at A3B .. B3B at B5B
A6A at A5A .. B5A at B6A

A1A at A3A .. B3A at B1A
A2A at A4B .. B4B at B2A
A3B at A2B .. B2B at B3B
A4A at A6A .. B6A at B4A
A5A at A5B .. B5B at B5A
A6B at A1B .. B1B at B6B

A1B at A2A .. B2A at B1B
A2B at A5A .. B5A at B2B
A3A at A6B .. B6B at B3A
A4B at A3B .. B3B at B4B
A5B at A4A .. B4A at B5B
A6A at A1A .. B1A at B6A

A1A at A5B .. B5B at B1A
A2A at A6B .. B6B at B2A
A3B at A1B .. B1B at B3B
A4A at A2B .. B2B at B4A
A5A at A4B .. B4B at B5A
A6A at A3A .. B3A at B6A

A1A at A6B .. B6B at B1A
A2A at A4A .. B4A at B2A
A3A at A2B .. B2B at B3A
A4B at A5B .. B5B at B4B
A5A at A3B .. B3B at B5A
A6A at A1B .. B1B at B6A

A1B at A5A .. B5A at B1B
A2B at A1A .. B1A at B2B
A3A at A2A .. B2A at B3A
A4B at A4A .. B4A at B4B
A5B at A6A .. B6A at B5B
A6B at A3B .. B3B at B6B

A1A at A4B .. B4B at B1A
A2B at A6A .. B6A at B2B
A3B at A2A .. B2A at B3B
A4A at A1B .. B1B at B4A
A5B at A3A .. B3A at B5B
A6B at A5A .. B5A at B6B

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