how are ya'll doing in league ?


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Got my ass beat last night. Horrible feeling. Losing my mojo...good thing I love the people I play with


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
major??? i lost 14 in a row until last week, when i had to come from 17 balls down to win by 1 ball. I feel your pain, and my own head is in my way.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I actually won my 9-ball match this week. Against someone I hadn't ever beaten before, or if I had it was a long time ago.

Neither of us played as well as we should have, but I held on and won. Made some good shots, and a few good runs. Good feeling. Progress....


It'd be a lot cooler if you did.
Silver Member
Lost to a very solid 6 (Hes an 8 in 9-ball) yesterday 5-1. Im a 5 and I was on the 8 in 3 of the games I lost, scratched once and shanked the other two. Ive gotta stop giving people games it's freaking killing me. I've been trying to match myself up against only higher skilled players and you just cant make mistakes against good shooters. Oh well, I take lessons away from every game I play against the better guys, win or lose.


This past weekend we won our 8 ball tier 1 qualifiers. We have states coming up on the 16th. two more matches until vegas. team is playing really well lately. getting excited to see what happens!


"Hey ... I'm back"!
Silver Member
Lost 3-2, but had a good time and I can see I'm getting better. Not as good a "shot maker" as when I was young - but definitely improving on cue ball control. I played a really good 4 - and feel good about how I shot. Table had REALLY tight pockets .. may practice there a bit.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My game has went downhill lately. I am back down to a 5 in 9 ball. Probably due to several factors . I have missed several nights due this. Remodeling a friends guest bathroom ...i go over there after getting off my job and work until 9 or 10 several nights a week and am just plain wore out right now. My desire to play is not what it used to be and I find I have problems maintaining focus when I do play.

My team mates have really picked up my slack over the last couple of weeks though.

My Thursday team won 9 ball tri cups the weekend before last One of my 5's took down a good 8 in the 2nd round . My team cruised through the finals with it not even going the full 5 matches. I chose not to play either round.

This past weekend my Sunday team won the 8 ball bed of the rest and qualified for 8 ball ltc. My beat a 7 by 2-2 in the first round. My 5 beat a 7 by 3-2 in the 2nd round and we did not even have to play the 3rd match in the finals as we won 4-0.

My Monday team got knocked out of 9 ball best of the rest due to me miscuing on the game winning ball and my opponent ran out the rack to win the match. Oh yea...i was still a 6 during the tourny. Go to league that same night and see I was lowered to a 5. Had I been a 5 in the tourny I would have won and that team would be I. 9 ball ltc.

I was so bummed about it I lost my match to another 5 that night by 19-1.

On the bright side my 8 ball game has not suffered too much .

As soon as I get through doing this remodel for my friend I can concentrate on my game again. She had problems with her plumbing which I had to tear down a wall to fix. She couldn't find tile to match what I took out so she decided to go to a different color which meant taking all the wall tile out on all 4 walls. Then she decided she also needed to replace the floor tile so it would match the new wall tile. Next she wants me to tear out that puke green granite double vanity counter top. Build a new top. Tile it and put in new fixtures when her finances allow. This job as been going on a couple of months as she buys material when she saves up enough each payday every 2 weeks.

This little plumbing problem has turned into a complete remodel. She is a single mother raising 2 kids and could not afford a contractor but that's what friends are for.

Cant wait until its finished so I can get back to concentrate on my game again.


Pool newbie
Silver Member
Haven't been online much since the last time I posted of starting to play in OC. Well we came in first but sadly got wiped in tricups(all my teammates lost -_-). I at least came first in my level(5) and got MVP in my division and I checked online and was 1st out of all the OC divisions! Summer sessions are now starting and I'm a bit more known and am now on 4 teams(2 8ball&2 9 ball)! I'm a bit disappointed I haven't moved up when I've even heard complaints of me being far better than my level and heard sandbagged from those who haven't played me yet. If I don't move up this season I'll take a complaint to the LO as most teams who have played me before rarely throw their 5s at me as they know I'll likely win and I want the added challenge. So far I'm starting out strong out of my 4 different teams playing tough opponents but I'm 7-0 so far beating 2 7s one in each game, 3 6s(2 in 9 ball getting 15-5 an 18-2 last week) and 2 5's. My aim is to get MVP in all four divisions but there is tough opponents and more so if I finally move to high tier


"Hey ... I'm back"!
Silver Member
My game has went downhill lately. I am back down to a 5 in 9 ball. Probably due to several factors . I have missed several nights due this. Remodeling a friends guest bathroom ...i go over there after getting off my job and work until 9 or 10 several nights a week and am just plain wore out right now. My desire to play is not what it used to be and I find I have problems maintaining focus when I do play.

My team mates have really picked up my slack over the last couple of weeks though.

My Thursday team won 9 ball tri cups the weekend before last One of my 5's took down a good 8 in the 2nd round . My team cruised through the finals with it not even going the full 5 matches. I chose not to play either round.

This past weekend my Sunday team won the 8 ball bed of the rest and qualified for 8 ball ltc. My beat a 7 by 2-2 in the first round. My 5 beat a 7 by 3-2 in the 2nd round and we did not even have to play the 3rd match in the finals as we won 4-0.

My Monday team got knocked out of 9 ball best of the rest due to me miscuing on the game winning ball and my opponent ran out the rack to win the match. Oh yea...i was still a 6 during the tourny. Go to league that same night and see I was lowered to a 5. Had I been a 5 in the tourny I would have won and that team would be I. 9 ball ltc.

I was so bummed about it I lost my match to another 5 that night by 19-1.

On the bright side my 8 ball game has not suffered too much .

As soon as I get through doing this remodel for my friend I can concentrate on my game again. She had problems with her plumbing which I had to tear down a wall to fix. She couldn't find tile to match what I took out so she decided to go to a different color which meant taking all the wall tile out on all 4 walls. Then she decided she also needed to replace the floor tile so it would match the new wall tile. Next she wants me to tear out that puke green granite double vanity counter top. Build a new top. Tile it and put in new fixtures when her finances allow. This job as been going on a couple of months as she buys material when she saves up enough each payday every 2 weeks.

This little plumbing problem has turned into a complete remodel. She is a single mother raising 2 kids and could not afford a contractor but that's what friends are for.

Cant wait until its finished so I can get back to concentrate on my game again.

I know it sucks when you know you can shoot better, but don't have the time to put into the game ... but the big thing is to enjoy yourself lorider. I guess I'm responding because I often feel the same way after being away from it for so long. Relax. Have fun. Real life is important. The friendship with this woman should make up for a delay in the game department. :)

Good luck in both the kitchen and the game.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
And just like that, back to playing like crap. Sigh. Not great timing, with States this weekend. Fortunately, our best line-up that fits within the 23 leaves me out.... I'll be there and I'll be ready, but I will actively suggest the other SL5 play. Unless they bump him to a 6, then I'll have to...
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O8 Specialist
Silver Member
I rarely post anymore but just joined back up in Valley league as wifey and I are planning on playing state next year. It will be the first time I have played singles at state in 6 years. I plan on placing at least top 6 in 8 or 9 ball (solely as a goal) so it was nice to see how good/bad I was playing last night since I pretty much haven't hit a ball in months and need to gauge how much training I need to do. I went 2-2 with a break and run and then had an early 8 the very next game lolz. I only needed 6 balls the last game to secure the round and overall so I made sure I got exactly 6 balls. It was nice to see semi decent play after such a long break.


for my Thursday double jeopardy team we have qualifier cups tonight. our first two round opponent got DQ'ed so that helps a lot. 3 more matches to states and then 2 state matches away from vegas.

for my sunday DJ team, we are state qualified. We needed to win 1 out of 10 racks to finish it off between 2 matches. our SL4 ended up stealing the last rack against a SL7. both players were playing great for their level.

I will check in and let you ladies and gents know how it went.

Still in a funk, only 20% winning percentage this past session and they refuse to lower my handicap. so stupid.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We have 8 ball ltc going on this weekend.

I have a tendency to type some long posts and trying not to right now but as the saying goes ....its a long story.

I knew it was gonna be a bad experience when one of my darn good 5's couldn't make it due to personal issues. That was his the tip of the iceberg.

Around boo Friday i get a text from my lo..just hours before ltc starts. Another 5 is ineligible due to being 2 matches short of what's required to participate. A new player who missed several weeks due to his wife having serious health issues. I never caught it when looking at stats. On the bright side he is eligible for 9 ball ltc due to having played on 2 of my teams and has enough matches.

So i text my 6 who hadn't played this session due to a motorcycle wreck but was eligible and said he was not 100 % but would play.

Then i text another 5 who was eligible but had not played this session . I could write a book about this guy and drama and i really hate to say it or even think it but this guy has some mental issues he would not even return my texts . Told another team mate he was not playing cause i sat him out the the last 5 times he showed and just had him keep score. When i found out what he said i text him and told him it was a damn lie. Told him he played 15 out of 16 weeks on thursday night......the most of any one on the team.

He played 13 out of 16 weeks on Sunday night. Again the most of any one on the team and tied with our 6 who also had 13.

So who di i have left ? Me...a 6 still recovering from a wreck. A 4 and his wife who is a 2 .

Came darn close to saying fvck it and just not go with 4 players. Talked it over with the team and we decided despite the circumstances it would be a good experience for our 4 and 2 who had never been in a ltc.

As expected we went 2 and out but i gotta give my 4 credit. He played awesome.

The 6 was off his game and so was i mentally. Shot pretty good but made mental mistakes due to being upset with the 5 who did not return my texts.

Found out at ltc he had been talking to people saying i had kicked him off the team at the beginning of the session which was another damn lie. As far as i know he is not playing for anyone due to the drama that he creates.

Well ....hopefully 9 ball ltc turns out better.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
We had states today, got into the second round before bowing out. I was thrust into a more prominent role than I would have preferred. And I played poorly, lost in both rounds. I can mqke justifications or excuses, it matters little. Very discouraging.


We lost in the finals of the 8 ball ltc lastnight after our 2 and 3 both got raised to a 3 and 4 going into the finals. We couldn't play 2 of our top 4 players after the 2 players got raised they both got raised and was forced to play a completely different lineup in the finals. Our 2 won 3 matches in the first 3 rounds. The first was a 3-0 points win against another 2 2 games to 0 with 19 innings. Her second win was a 2-1 win hill-hill against a 4 with 31 innings and her 3rd win was a 2-1 hill-hill win against another 2 with 17 innings and she got raised. The aggravating part is the team we lost to in the finals had a 3 that was undefeated in the ltc with two 3-0 wins against higher handicaps and didn't get raised. Even with all of that we had a chance but didnt play our best when it mattered. Sure the handicaps were a factor but our play for some experienced players and the pressure on them really hurt us in the end.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Going Back to Vegas!!!

Just qualified for Vegas for the second year in a row. We played our way out of the losers bracket in the City tournament. Last year we finished 33rd in Vegas, so we are shooting for 17th this year. If you're going, look for the 8 Ball Junkies out of Arlington, TX.


Idiot Savant
Silver Member
We just started Masters again last session after a 2 year hiatus. Instead of sending one of the teams from the session, we had a tournament where the top 3 would be sent as a team to compete in the Master's tournament.

I won a spot, which I was not really expecting so now I am going to Vegas for the second year in a row. Although my game is not where it used to be I am at least seeing flashes of it now and then.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lost pretty bad to the best player in our league at 9 ball last night. When we are just shooting I can go about 50/50 with the guy, but for some reason when I play him in league I get a serious case of the chokesies. I was unable to put two shots together and scratched about 8 times in 9 games, managed to eek out 2 wins near the end of the match.

I ended up taking my frustraions out on his teammate when we played our 8 ball match...won the 8 ball match 4-0 for a rackless and every miss by my opponent was his last go at the table...shot so much better...just wish I could bring my A game when it is necessary, often seems I get a little star struck when playing the cream of the crop and just cant maintain my focus for three balles let alone ten racks.

All in all a mediocre week won 8 ball 4-1 lost 9 ball 1 -4...New session at least so there is time to bounce back.


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
APA 9-ball

Continuing last sessions cities, the San Diego cities seem to be held over several weekends. I'm just a clueless bystander cheering on my team, which won two matches a couple of weekends ago, and are continuing on this weekend. They won their second match by one ball, after being up 43-17. Good matchups, fortunate rolls, and a spectacular out by my teammate to close out the victory in the jaws of defeat after the other team stormed back.

One or two of our teammates went up, so as an SL-9, I really have no chance at playing due to the 23 rule. But, they still want me on the team. That's what friends are for. Rock on.

No Limit (San Diego local league)

Fourth match for me this year, and I chose 9-ball after winning the lag. It's a 7' valley table, but with as many hills as valleys. Despite looking like I had the cueball on a string, the table has been just too tough for me to send any packages. No break and runs this week, so I got to tell you, it's a bit discouraging to play 9-ball on a bar table and not have a break and run in a race to 9. I won 9-2 (9-7 race), and I suppose I've been ducking more often than I would on good equipment. Old dog can learn old tricks, yeah?

Freddie <~~~ can't spell B&R


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
When we are just shooting I can go about 50/50 with the guy, but for some reason when I play him in league I get a serious case of the chokesies.
Is it possible you're not giving him enough credit when it's time to rock and roll?

I can lose to everyone at practice or just knocking them around.