Single player practice games?


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Silver Member
who plays single player games to practice, besides playing the ghost. I you have one leave a link to the rules.

Im experimenting with fargo myself


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Try the search function. There has been a lot of threads started in the last five years on the same topic.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like playing 14.1 by racking and taking the head ball for my first breakout ball. Also a few years ago I was taught "Bowliards" which is racking up 10 balls and playing with a bowling score sheet. runnout is a strike, one miss and it's a spare. This helps put a little pressure on when I'm alone, because after a strike I want the next runnout that much more.

Because of this I use the bowling score sheet format for a lot of practice drills that I do. Just do whatever shot or drill 10 times per "frame".

Recently since I have a few friends that are practicing more. This also allows us to keep a score and brag about it the next day, and actually know what the other is talking about


When will then be now?
Silver Member
I second the Bowlliards recommendation! It's just about the only single-player game that can keep me focused AND motivated at the same time. Fargo is good, too, but I get frustrated too easily to stick with it for long.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Equal Offense is a nice blend of bowlliards and 14.1 in my view. A couple years ago I did a lot of bowlliards, but I got tired of it. Actually couldn't really see how it pertained to any game I would play.

Played some Fargo and like it as well as EO. Most of my practice is 9ball or 10ball ghost as well as racks of 14.1.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I suggest dedicating time to shooting balls (regardless of the game) while thinking about/breaking down your fundamentals. Evaluate your stance, bridge, grip, etc. one at a time for a session each. Before each shot consciously make an effort to use the best bridge possible for the given shot or work on the placement of your feet with regards to the shot line for examples. Experiment with different things and see what works best. From there work on incorporating it into your game and then look for another area to improve.