Eliminating mistakes


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Keith, I have recently started playing after a 10 year layoff. My biggest problem in my game right now is that I am making too many unforced errors.

What are some techniques you have used to cut down on making simple mistakes in your game? I am playing in every open tournament I can find and that helps somewhat, but I still am lacking consistancy in my game, my current job doesn't give me the time to play every day, I will play 5-6 days a week for 2-3 weeks and then I may not play at all for 1-2 weeks which makes it hard for me to be consistant.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Read my string called "Slump Solution." Some good advice given there. You and I are in just about the same situation, in fact I could have typed in the same words as you.

If you'd like advice from someone in your shoes, try to get a routine for the times you do play. When you practice, start off with easy shots, then try a few shots that you have problems with, then go to a few runs (~3-7 balls), then end with a few easy shots. I like to hit the easy shots to keep my confidence.

As for play, my biggest problem is not taking enough time on the "gimmies" and then blwoing the next leave. Whatever your biggest error, just stay focused and trust yourself. If you have game it will surface, just give it time and keep playing.

Good luck!