testing the waters for a Danny Stout with points


New member
I have the cue below: It was made as a break cue for a friend of mine, and I traded him for it, because it played so well.

I have seen a couple of threads from a couple of years ago, where a very similar DS cue, but with points, was for sale. If anyone has one, I think it would be cool to have a matching player and breaker. I can't buy anything right now, but if you have the cue I am talking about, and think you might want to sell it, I don;t see why we can't begin the conversation. OOOr if anyone is in love with mine and wants to trade for a SCHON, I'm down for that too. :smile:


New member
Jerry, I never saw your reply. I apologize. wow. still shaking my head about it. Would you mind posting some pic's of your Stout cues, and what you might want for them? I still am on limited funds, but I sure would like to see some more of Danny's cues. I still am on limited funds, but I sure would like to see some more of Danny's cues. Also, do you know what may be a fair estimate for the value of mine? I have no idea what my friend paid when he had it made.
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