Snooker with Golf Balls


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for posting this. Fun to watch. His commentary adds another dimension.

I have a set of golf ball ‘billiard’ balls and a set of rubber ball ‘billiard‘ balls. I got both sets for a couple dollars each at a local thrift shop. The golf ball set is quite common and comes with a felt putting green.

I’ve had fun on my Snooker table with them but nothing like the fellow in the video. Just a novelty lark with a friend now and then. Video guy has taken it to an all new level...although I like his dry remark towards the end...all a waste of time. However, so is all billiards If you look at it from a detached perspective. But, I’ll never stop playing.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I had heard most of the snooker expressions before (pot, break, etc.), but never their name for a ‘slop’ shot (fluke), ‘skid’ (kick), or ‘follow’ (run-through).
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