Will the brunswick players championships be on TV?



More importantly, will the men's event be on TV? And while I am at it, does anyone know of any upcoming mens events that will be broadcast in the states?

Thanks and the forums are looking good,


Staff member
I am pretty sure that the event will not be on TV. The only events that are shown on US TV are either WPBA events or BCA events.

If you are looking for men's pool on TV, you might not have anything new until the BCA event in May.

Of course, this is just in the states. It seems like the rest of the world gets pool on a regular basis on TV.



Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Men's pool on tv is a historical problem. (A nine year old post qualifies as old. Especially since the forum's history started nine years ago.)

Few promoters have been solving the problem of building the "billiards recognition" for newer/younger players.

If an average person (person who plays pool once a year, knows the rules of 9-ball) can name a pro player it is likely a woman.

The management of billiards by men compared to the management of billiards by women indicates men have larger payout events and women have greater recognition by people. That means when the old male pros (most of them) retire the only people that will be known are the women.