Ball Color Change


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With such better videos now, is there really a need for the color change of the balls, I find it harder now to identify certain balls than with the original colors.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
More importantly, had the color change been carefully considered with the now wildly popular tournament blue table cloth. IMO these new colors are even harder on tournament blue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I for one do not like the Pink balls. I find the ball identification to be much more difficult during televised matches as well. I think the production people tone down the colors on the video because of it making the other balls such as the red and orange much harder to distinguish under less then ideal lighting. As far as the table cloth goes I personally like the tournament blue but I think getting away from the green was a mistake. The original green was a reference to the heritage of the game being a yard game.