Leather wraps


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It depends on what you are planning on using for the leather wrap; glue or contact cement.
You can use one strip of masking tape without overlapping or epoxy. This is for small differences.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Without exact measurements, guessing at what a little is, hard to recommend anything but try a light coating of epoxy. You need to measure the differences so you can sand down until you have .025 difference assuming your leather is not thicker than that. Maybe the local
repairman is your best bet. :)



Superior Cues--Unchalked!
Gold Member
Silver Member
If using contact cement you can apply a layer of the adhesive to the last inch of the wrap end (or both ends if need be) and let it dry. When you go to apply cement again it will not completely re-activate the layer of cement on the backside of the wrap. This will allow you to position or press the wrap level or a half thousanth below the wrap channel. This method is only for when you are a thousanth or two off. Learned this from Paul Dayton more than 10 years ago (Thanks Paul!).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am the repair man/builder. Still in my learning stages.

That being the case, measure the edge and the wrap groove, also the leather. Come back with specific measurements and we'll tell you what works best. :)



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It was larger than a few thousands. I put some 5 minute epoxy on it and just cut it flush to the bottom of the channel. Worked pretty good. Now just gotta get the hang of doing the wraps.