01-13-2010, 06:46 AM
In addition:
Pricing for materials and work should be discussed in private or started as a thread in the " Wanted / Sale " area.
This is not a sales forum.
Thank you.
Awesome cue case!!--->JIM MURNAK VINTAGE LINE
I'm just a squirrel in your world, trying to get a nut.
As per one of our fine AZB moderators.....This is posted in the "sticky section" that no one reads. Apparently we had a few cry babies a ways back that felt it necessary to cry loud enough to have a few things changed. I guess it depends on who you are or if somebody sniffles loud enough to have Mr.Wilson reprimand you about posting items that a cuemaker no longer needs and would like to offer these unwanted items in the "Ask the Cuemaker" section where it would most likely be seen and admired by the few that would have an interest in these items.
Myself, I have been made the beneficiary of a hard spanking and told to go stand in the corner with my dunce hat on for attempting to skitter around these oblique rules. I was under the impression we were allowed to post these items in the Machinery Wanted/FS section so it wouldn't clog up all the important conversation about how to install these items we would like to help other cuemakers acquire. I know it gets very confusing for some to follow a thread about installing a ferrule and then all of sudden....BAM....a flippin thread "Ferrules for sale" pop out of no where and just throws half the builders into a tissy about how it install a ferrule now.
NOPE........can't post it there either.....I was spanked for attempting to do so on an assumption that was incorrect.
So it IS very important that if you haven't voted in the poll to do so....and YES, it may make a difference. By NOT doing anything....you'll definitely make NO difference.
Sorry for jacking your thread Mason....I hope you sold your items and don't get a spanking with the big board. You can probably tell I'm still a little irritated about mine and the welts haven't gone down yet.
It just makes no logical sense to post these items in a section that will swallow them up like a two bit classless hooker.