Another one suckered into a Rhino shaftp


New member
Rhino CF shafts on sale Ozone Billiards $152.24 free ship.

I have Rhino Retro cue, 12.2mm and see very little difference between that and a Bull Carbon RK 2.25mm. Rhino does have a ping sound that may be reduced once the medium crystal tip is replaced with something a little softer. Love the rhino wrap less butt - all composite but the 3/8x8 joint isn't that common to try some other shafts on. Travel a lot for work so the rhino was bought to keep in the car. On the pocket lathe the rhino was straight, the bull carbon needed some slight re-facing and I think those inter-changeable joints may need to be double checked. Rhino great way to try out the carbon fiber world for a reasonable price.
Happy with both cues but I hear that 12.5 Cuetec Cynergy is one to try.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For those that don't care for the tip on a Rhino shaft, I have changed ours out to the Ultra Skin red soft, and really like the change.
We have 3 Rhino shafts, 2 12.5mm 5/16-14, and one Radial 12.5mm. I have 2 5/16x14's because when getting the first one for my Schon, my wife tried it right away and told me to order another one for myself. The radial version, is a spare shaft for my Jacoby.
As to their deflection, about the same as my Jacoby Ultra shafts I use on my Schons and my Jacoby, that are 12.5mm also. I will say that I tried a Schon wood shaft I have, and have turned down to 12mm, and that actually seems to be slightly less deflection.
While I may not be as precise as Dr Dave, I got fairly consistent results by using one of the striped balls and setting it so the #'s were facing me so that it gave me a consistent aiming point. I also set a piece of chalk on the back rail at the center point so it was easier to see when shooting.
These are just my views, and while my wife uses the Rhino full time, I mainly use it as a backup shaft as for some reason I still prefer the Jacoby Ultra shaft. One thing nice though is that when I practice at times with the Rhino shaft, I don't feel I have to make any correction in relation to the Jacoby Ultra shaft that I normally use. The same cannot be said about the Jacoby Black 12.7mm ver 3.2 shaft that I previously used for a backup.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Rhino CF shafts on sale Ozone Billiards $152.24 free ship.

I have Rhino Retro cue, 12.2mm and see very little difference between that and a Bull Carbon RK 2.25mm. Rhino does have a ping sound that may be reduced once the medium crystal tip is replaced with something a little softer. Love the rhino wrap less butt - all composite but the 3/8x8 joint isn't that common to try some other shafts on. Travel a lot for work so the rhino was bought to keep in the car. On the pocket lathe the rhino was straight, the bull carbon needed some slight re-facing and I think those inter-changeable joints may need to be double checked. Rhino great way to try out the carbon fiber world for a reasonable price.
Happy with both cues but I hear that 12.5 Cuetec Cynergy is one to try.
Cyn is a great shaft but imo its not 300bux extra better. I hit the Rhino and Cyn back to back and about the only diff i could tell was the sound.