breaking with a Juma jointed cue


Active member
I recently acquired a Juma jointed cue, is this ok to use as a break cue? I dont know if its a true juma joint or just a juma cap on the joint.



Silver Member
If it is a juma joint on both the butt and shaft, depending on the joint pin and they are just collars....My experience has shown that they will eventually deform.....especially if the person is a hard breaker. Haven't had them break/crack but have had them deform.


Active member
radial pin and only juma is on the butt end of the joint. Its a nice custom so i think i will forego using it as a breaker.

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not a huge fan of Juma as a ferrule material for break cues, but it's usually fine for joint and shaft collars. It's a thermoset material it's it not anywhere near as strong as phenolic or LBM type materials. @TeddyKGB you mention you cue only has a joint collar and the shaft has no shaft collar and it's a big pin cue, to me that's more of an issue..


Well-known member
I'm not a huge fan of Juma as a ferrule material for break cues, but it's usually fine for joint and shaft collars. It's a thermoset material it's it not anywhere near as strong as phenolic or LBM type materials. @TeddyKGB you mention you cue only has a joint collar and the shaft has no shaft collar and it's a big pin cue, to me that's more of an issue..

Just a different take here, he didn't say that the shaft had no collar, just that the juma was on the butt. There could be another collar of another material on the shaft and below the juma on the butt.

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just a different take here, he didn't say that the shaft had no collar, just that the juma was on the butt. There could be another collar of another material on the shaft and below the juma on the butt.
Could be, just got the impression that the shaft had no collar :)


Active member
shaft definitely has a collar. not sure of the material, its just a black ring collar. thanks for the input though.