Can't play no mo blues.


Marital Slow Learner.
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Seriously. Thank you for the info. I've been on the fence far too long. Didn't know anyone who had the procedure done, so... Last resort kinda thing.
My Doctor did the ablations in two separate visits. Right side first, and then the left side during a separate visit. I can honestly say it's been a Godsend.
My next stop is probably an L5-S1 fusion, so I will do these for as long as possible.
I wish you the best.

Biloxi Boy

Man With A Golden Arm
My Doctor did the ablations in two separate visits. Right side first, and then the left side during a separate visit. I can honestly say it's been a Godsend.
My next stop is probably an L5-S1 fusion, so I will do these for as long as possible.
I wish you the best.
When an RAF goes out, it goes out. Beware, Beware, Beware of surgery -- the procedures alone cause so much damage in and of themselves. Then there is always the issue of hardware and how your body handles it or not. Back surgery cannot be considered as a cure or relief. Intrathecal pumps must be considered first.

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Seriously. Thank you for the info. I've been on the fence far too long. Didn't know anyone who had the procedure done, so... Last resort kinda thing.
My doc suggested I do one with just numbing medication first, to see if it would work, he also told me if they aren't monitoring the needle position with a scope ,while they do it, don't do it, they are just guessing, and that's when people end up getting hurt. I really trust this guy. I have had some doctors I would not let work on my GI Joes.


Marital Slow Learner.
Staff member
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My doc suggested I do one with just numbing medication first, to see if it would work, he also told me if they aren't monitoring the needle position with a scope ,while they do it, don't do it, they are just guessing, and that's when people end up getting hurt. I really trust this guy. I have had some doctors I would not let work on my GI Joes.
All of mine, injections included, were done under live X-ray/monitoring. I wouldn't do it otherwise.


Marital Slow Learner.
Staff member
Gold Member
Silver Member
My doc suggested I do one with just numbing medication first, to see if it would work, he also told me if they aren't monitoring the needle position with a scope ,while they do it, don't do it, they are just guessing, and that's when people end up getting hurt. I really trust this guy. I have had some doctors I would not let work on my GI Joes.
Your insurance company may "dictate" two sets of medial branch block injections, prior to moving on to ablation...At least my insurance company did.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I'm 77 and am playing at about 75% of prime.
I cant play more than 4 hours.
I wear pool playing glasses so the balls are not fuzzy anymore.
Stretching out for shots is tough and have to use the bridge more often.
Shooting behind my back is a no no these days.
But I'll take 9-5 in one hole from you young guys.:cool:
I'm 73 and playing the best pool of my life overall.
Consistency is my biggest problem these days but I can still catch a gear.
Like you, focus for long durations is pretty much gone.
12, 16 hour tournaments are out of the question anymore especially if long travel is involved.
Just don't want to do it anymore.


Well-known member
My Doctor did the ablations in two separate visits. Right side first, and then the left side during a separate visit. I can honestly say it's been a Godsend.
My next stop is probably an L5-S1 fusion, so I will do these for as long as possible.
I wish you the best.
Fusion scares me. Always has.
My daughter claims hers was a lifesaver, but I've talked to more people who told me they wish they never would have had it done.
It's a different procedure now than it was back then when I was first told I needed it.
Can't have a discectomy if the damn thing is gone and you're bone on bone. Makes for some bad days. Can't sit on this fence forever. Makes my ass hurt.😂

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fusion for me would only be after I tried everything else. The ablation is not permanent , so as long as they don't do it wrong, you will be ok .


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Silver Member
I'm fused twice now at L5/S1, rear first and in through the gut the second time. I encourage everyone with low back troubles to exhaust all possible remedies and mitigation before getting fused.

That said, I still play some, but it's largely frustration and futility... might play pretty sporty every now and then, but it's temporary and fleeting. Thinking to start doing more streaming and other avenues of involvement with the game because of it.


Well-known member
I'm fused twice now at L5/S1, rear first and in through the gut the second time. I encourage everyone with low back troubles to exhaust all possible remedies and mitigation before getting fused.

That said, I still play some, but it's largely frustration and futility... might play pretty sporty every now and then, but it's temporary and fleeting. Thinking to start doing more streaming and other avenues of involvement with the game because of it.
How is and was your mobility b4 and after having that done?? My main concern. That and are you relatively pain free??


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Mobility is diminished, but not too much. Pain? All the time, and increases with time spent upright. I have to manage my days by getting horizontal before things tighten up too much. The time just before the second attempt was the worst... laid around and tried to catch my breath for weeks on end. I never did get an answer whether the first fusion failed or never took, though. They used ground cadaver bone with the first and bone growth stimulant soaked sponge in the second, said it had 4 billion times the bone growth in that. I'm glad to still be walking, but constant pain wears on ya!

Exhaust all possible treatments before going the fusion route! And, if fusion is the eventual course, hope it can be addressed from the front.... It's a much easier heal up with a C-section looking cut in the gut muscles than it is cutting all the little stabilizing muscles out back.

Biloxi Boy

Man With A Golden Arm
Mobility is diminished, but not too much. Pain? All the time, and increases with time spent upright. I have to manage my days by getting horizontal before things tighten up too much. The time just before the second attempt was the worst... laid around and tried to catch my breath for weeks on end. I never did get an answer whether the first fusion failed or never took, though. They used ground cadaver bone with the first and bone growth stimulant soaked sponge in the second, said it had 4 billion times the bone growth in that. I'm glad to still be walking, but constant pain wears on ya!

Exhaust all possible treatments before going the fusion route! And, if fusion is the eventual course, hope it can be addressed from the front.... It's a much easier heal up with a C-section looking cut in the gut muscles than it is cutting all the little stabilizing muscles out back.
Did you switch surgeons between the two procedures?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For the players on here no longer able to physically hit the tables - for whatever reason -
How do you cope??
Is it a constant itch, or does it go away with time?? How have you handled it??
Switched to backgammon

Just a railbird in pool now. All good

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
For the players on here no longer able to physically hit the tables - for whatever reason -
How do you cope??
Is it a constant itch, or does it go away with time?? How have you handled it??
I'm doing an aspect of the game that I enjoyed, to stay in the mix. Not playing, just another arm in the Octopu$ of pool.
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