Hats off to the original "Road Scholars"


I'm just a PoolNut
Silver Member
While we enjoy Pat's traditional US Open 9ball tournament format this week and some look forward to the commercialized version with Matchroom's take over of the USIO9 tournament I'd like to pay tribute to the original "Road Scholars", many of whom are no longer with us.

My great friend Danny Diliberto who is not only one of the remaining road scholars still around. Danny was playing at Johnston City... well that's a whole nuther post. 83 years young and he' s still commentating the US Open.
Nice career pal.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What a picture

It would be great to have that picture and those signatures or autographs

Each face could inspire thousands of stories,
Billy Incardona alone could fill dozens of pages of interesting stories

I am surprise this picture has not inspired a few pages

thanks for sharing the picture

Road Scholars, a picture of a time we shall never see the likes