IF You've Ever Asked RKC for Table Advice..


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It is gonna pay for his table work...directly or indirectly.

Sorry, that's not how i roll, I'll credit Dennis with his donation if he'd like, but the work I'm doing for him was set up and agreed upon before i had my motorcycle accident....that price hasn't changed....and just to let you know, Dennis don't need the money in the first place. But hey, you're entitled to you opinion....hell, it don't even have to be right, just as long as you believe it and it give you something to talk about...LOL now if it was YOU collecting the money....well, who knows for sure;)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry, that's not how i roll, I'll credit Dennis with his donation if he'd like, but the work I'm doing for him was set up and agreed upon before i had my motorcycle accident....that price hasn't changed....and just to let you know, Dennis don't need the money in the first place. But hey, you're entitled to you opinion....hell, it don't even have to be right, just as long as you believe it and it give you something to talk about...LOL now if it was YOU collecting the money....well, who knows for sure;)

Good. Charge him an extra 20 for easy.


I said: "Here kitty, kitty". Got this frown.
Silver Member
and you followed his advice saving you time and money, or if you hope your mechanic has watched RKC's DVD on how to install Simonis cloth before he sets up your table, or appreciate how Diamond changed from Red label tables to Blue label (taking RKC's advice), Now is the time to pay it back a little bit. The donation site I've set up is at http://myevent.com/RKC. Glen was in a motorcycle accident and will be piling up huge medical bills without insurance. MRIs, a knee operation coming up and he's unable to travel and thus earning a living is postponed. You can see the whole story and pictures in the other threads I've posted. Please give what you can and please help me by posting in this thread keeping it at the top until everyone sees it. Thanks in advance....

The fund is doing well. This needs to be at the top.