LOL I cannot give you anymore rep.
Lemme buy her a wine cooler and change that:groucho:
Lemme buy her a wine cooler and change that:groucho:
This guy popped up on FargoRate recently and now hes in the #3 spot in the entire world right below Shane Van Boening and right above Jayson Shaw.
Take your basic logic awareness elsewhere. We have no need for it in our fantasyland.
This is definitely the best post on azbilliards. Except for the future posts that are better... THOSE are the best posts on azbilliards.
Rhea and FargoRate sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G.
Someone sure has a fondness for FargoRate ratings.
It would be nice to know how accurate the ratings are depending on the robustness. For example with a total of 5 racks played, it might be +- 200 points, while with 4000 racks played it might be +- 5. A quick calculation seems to say that at 365 racks played the rating is probably right within 20 points and very likely right within 40 points. The uncertainty in the rating is dependent on who the player has played since severe mismatches give less info than matches between roughly equal players.
The best pool player in the entire world may not have even been born yet.
Here is one of many matches I've seen of him playing Jeffrey Ignacio, just for anyone who was curious what he looked like or how he played. I saw him walking round at the rio and thought to myself, "where do I recognize this guy from?" Then I realized it was from these youtube matches.
I have not followed the Fargo rating system, though I have seen a lot of threads about it.
How can it be accurate if some players cannot attend the tournaments that it rates? I guess I don't get it -- yet.
How can it be accurate if some players cannot attend the tournaments that it rates? I guess I don't get it -- yet.
It's worth reading up on, takes into account WHO you beat also.
The best pool player in the entire world may not have even been born yet.
I defy you to find anyone who can play pool at all who hasn't been born yet.
I have zero experience with the Fargo Rate. BUT James Aranas can play pool. Period.. He just beat Johnny Archer 9-1 alternate break. I watched him Wednesday night. He is a great player. End of discussion..
I have zero experience with the Fargo Rate. BUT James Aranas can play pool. Period.. He just beat Johnny Archer 9-1 alternate break. I watched him Wednesday night. He is a great player. End of discussion..
Is James Aranas a top 5 player? Probably not. .
If the match was played on one of the gold crowns then Johnny must have been really, really struggling. They all have 5 inch pockets!!!