The best sponsor for pool?


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Silver Member
I have a very strong feeling everyone's going to be way off base on their answers, but here's the question anyway.

Who is the greatest SPONSOR Professional pool could ever hope to land that could afford to turn the top Professional's into million dollar earners?

This should be good, so lets see what kind of ideas people come up with, which may indicate why pool isn't already at the level it should have been at a while ago.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My vote would be the US Olympic Committee. This would mean that pool has been completely added event into the Olympic Games. It would instantly transform pool into a legitimate world premier sport. Internationally, countries investments into developing their players into the best would raise the game to unprecedented heights.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a very strong feeling everyone's going to be way off base on their answers, but here's the question anyway.

Who is the greatest SPONSOR Professional pool could ever hope to land that could afford to turn the top Professional's into million dollar earners?

This should be good, so lets see what kind of ideas people come up with, which may indicate why pool isn't already at the level it should have been at a while ago.
The BIG question is what does a DEEP pocketed sponsor hope to get back from sponsoring pool? The stumbling-block has always been pool's public image and the difficulty in attracting REAL $$$$. "Million dollar earners" will require near-PGATour kind of investment.


Well-known member
Silver Member
My vote would be the US Olympic Committee. This would mean that pool has been completely added event into the Olympic Games. It would instantly transform pool into a legitimate world premier sport. Internationally, countries investments into developing their players into the best would raise the game to unprecedented heights.

How would that help the Professional pool player, what does it mean the them, with the Olympics bei g only held every 4 years?


Well-known member
Silver Member
The BIG question is what does a DEEP pocketed sponsor hope to get back from sponsoring pool? The stumbling-block has always been pool's public image and the difficulty in attracting REAL $$$$. "Million dollar earners" will require near-PGATour kind of investment.

Does the sport of pool have the same reputation OUT of our country that is does here? I mean really, if s sponsor decided to eliminate the United States from having any players being involved in the sport, would that be enough to clean the sport up that ALL other countries full pf pool players could make being a Professional pool player mean something?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The BIG question is what does a DEEP pocketed sponsor hope to get back from sponsoring pool? The stumbling-block has always been pool's public image and the difficulty in attracting REAL $$$$. "Million dollar earners" will require near-PGATour kind of investment.

Outside of the US, I don't believe there is the same image to overcome. Yes, gambling has always been associated with the game all over the world. But, even the views of gambling in a protestant-formed America are different than other parts of the world. Not to mention how views change over time. For instance, if you grew up in the 70's, your views of poolrooms are different than if you grew in the 2000's.

But, if you're focused on the game in US, you are living in an outdated world. We are a very small part of how the sport must grow.

A good question is how engage our top players to train and prepare for a world championship in the same manner, as if they are preparing for six figure ($$) challenge match. When there is very little money involved in a "title."


Well-known member
Silver Member
The BIG question is what does a DEEP pocketed sponsor hope to get back from sponsoring pool? The stumbling-block has always been pool's public image and the difficulty in attracting REAL $$$$. "Million dollar earners" will require near-PGATour kind of investment.

To make that broad of a statement that pools "bad reputation" is going to hold pool back for ever is like when i lived in Europe for 7 years, the only time you ever heard of someone being murdered, raped, mugged....was if it was American G.I. involved, so if American pool players were banned from the world of pool....would that be enough to fix the "bad reputation" so that others could make playing pool a sucessful sport?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a very strong feeling everyone's going to be way off base on their answers, but here's the question anyway.
“Ok, listen up you morons. Chances are you won’t ubderstand the question, but here it goes anyway, try to keep up.”

Who is the greatest SPONSOR Professional pool could ever hope to land that could afford to turn the top Professional's into million dollar earners?
Excellent question.

This should be good, so lets see what kind of ideas people come up with, which may indicate why pool isn't already at the level it should have been at a while ago.
“Get your crayons and start blabbing. Go ahead and prove why I am great and it’s all your fault Pool isn’t where I think it should be.”

Making friends and influencing people since, well, never.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Outside of the US, I don't believe there is the same image to overcome. Yes, gambling has always been associated with the game all over the world. But, even the views of gambling in a protestant-formed America are different than other parts of the world. Not to mention how views change over time. For instance, if you grew up in the 70's, your views of poolrooms are different than if you grew in the 2000's.

But, if you're focused on the game in US, you are living in an outdated world. We are a very small part of how the sport must grow.

A good question is how engage our top players to train and prepare for a world championship in the same manner, as if they are preparing for six figure ($$) challenge match. When there is very little money involved in a "title."
So, how do you bring big money into this sport, enough to make it legitimate, and who would be getting that money?


Multiverse Operative
Silver Member
I have a very strong feeling everyone's going to be way off base on their answers, but here's the question anyway.

Who is the greatest SPONSOR Professional pool could ever hope to land that could afford to turn the top Professional's into million dollar earners?

This should be good, so lets see what kind of ideas people come up with, which may indicate why pool isn't already at the level it should have been at a while ago.

Actually the best sponsors of Pool, are the people who play. I also have my own theories on ways to handle the money so that a trust is created that would continue to produce enough money to monetize it.


Well-known member
Silver Member
“Get your crayons and start blabbing. Go ahead and prove why I am great and it’s all your fault Pool isn’t where I think it should be.”

Making friends and influencing people since, well, never.

So are YOU going to show that you have a better education than a 5th grader and give an idea, or just spend your time knocking me because I'm smarter than you are?


Well-known member
Silver Member
Actually the best sponsors of Pool, are the people who play. I also have my own theories on ways to handle the money so that a trust is created that would continue to produce enough money to monetize it.

Robin, all the people playing pool for several 100 years haven't managed to come together and host more than nust ring game.pool tournaments for all skill levels mixed together, so why would they change what's already broken to their liking, and stop complaining about how players are starting to NOT show up for tournaments and pay their entry fees by way of contributions so that a few players can get paid and leave with everyone elses money?


Well-known member
Silver Member
Actually the best sponsors of Pool, are the people who play. I also have my own theories on ways to handle the money so that a trust is created that would continue to produce enough money to monetize it.

Every pool tournament played, in every pool playing country in the world share the same basics. Take entry fees from everyone, add some money to the pile, then pay it out to the few, don't matter what tournament is it, it's all the same. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? Pro's are no more making a living today than they were 40 years ago, because the system hasn't changed, and without a new approach to this forever problem, how is it going to change?


Multiverse Operative
Silver Member
Every pool tournament played, in every pool playing country in the world share the same basics. Take entry fees from everyone, add some money to the pile, then pay it out to the few, don't matter what tournament is it, it's all the same. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? Pro's are no more making a living today than they were 40 years ago, because the system hasn't changed, and without a new approach to this forever problem, how is it going to change?

I just like to stir the pot.....Pool is Pool.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Actually the best sponsors of Pool, are the people who play. I also have my own theories on ways to handle the money so that a trust is created that would continue to produce enough money to monetize it.

Ok, you mentioned a trust fund, where is the money coming from to go into the trust in the first place? Then, who's over seeing the trust fund, and how is it decided to pay it out?