A-hole Even Shoots Pool Like An A-hole


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Asshole Even Shoots Pool Like An Asshole

MONTROSE, CA—According to acquaintances, area asshole Kris Stenstrup, 31, even shoots pool like an asshole. "He's not even good, but he still acts all macho and cool, like he's Minnesota Fats or something," roommate Lisa Darmont said Monday. "Like, whenever he sinks a shot, he blows on his pool cue and then puts it back in its invisible holster. Oh, and he loves to play 'mind games' with his 'prey,' hovering over them and whispering 'Don't be nervous' before they shoot." Darmont added that Stenstrup is also fond of singing Warren Zevon's "Werewolves Of London," from the 1986 billiards-themed film The Color Of Money, while cockily circling the table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stenstrup is also fond of singing Warren Zevon's "Werewolves Of London," from the 1986 billiards-themed film The Color Of Money, while cockily circling the table.

sooo....singing werewolves of London while playing pool = not cool? who knew!!! :thumbup:


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
How about I invite a guy from work to play who tells me he used to play years ago. He wants to play 9 ball. I say ok. Every time I break he yells "On the snap Vincent." I couldn't get him to stop. Embarrassing.


rack master ;)
Silver Member
How about I invite a guy from work to play who tells me he used to play years ago. He wants to play 9 ball. I say ok. Every time I break he yells "On the snap Vincent." I couldn't get him to stop. Embarrassing.

It could be funny.... If your name is Vincent.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This Seems Unimaginable & Just Awful.

OMG...honestly if he tried pulling that shit in the Fresno pool halls, his face would likely be rearranged.
It is hard to believe he could get away with that but only once....the second time has to be dealt with.
If it were a league, I get him suspended for unsportsmanlike conduct and God forbid it was for money.
I dunno know about others but the people I know that shoot pool for money take it seriously and those
antics would only get his ass kicked and pretty much get the cold shoulder on any future money games.
Asshole Even Shoots Pool Like An Asshole

MONTROSE, CA—According to acquaintances, area asshole Kris Stenstrup, 31, even shoots pool like an asshole. "He's not even good, but he still acts all macho and cool, like he's Minnesota Fats or something," roommate Lisa Darmont said Monday. "Like, whenever he sinks a shot, he blows on his pool cue and then puts it back in its invisible holster. Oh, and he loves to play 'mind games' with his 'prey,' hovering over them and whispering 'Don't be nervous' before they shoot." Darmont added that Stenstrup is also fond of singing Warren Zevon's "Werewolves Of London," from the 1986 billiards-themed film The Color Of Money, while cockily circling the table.

Sounds like a complete idiot / moron shooting pool like a complete idiot / moron. I could not imagine anyone acting like that, and very hard to believe that the story is even true.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Asshole Even Shoots Pool Like An Asshole

MONTROSE, CA—According to acquaintances, area asshole Kris Stenstrup, 31, even shoots pool like an asshole. "He's not even good, but he still acts all macho and cool, like he's Minnesota Fats or something," roommate Lisa Darmont said Monday. "Like, whenever he sinks a shot, he blows on his pool cue and then puts it back in its invisible holster. Oh, and he loves to play 'mind games' with his 'prey,' hovering over them and whispering 'Don't be nervous' before they shoot." Darmont added that Stenstrup is also fond of singing Warren Zevon's "Werewolves Of London," from the 1986 billiards-themed film The Color Of Money, while cockily circling the table.

Surprised the Onion found some reality news.

From the Nits on Parade File: Ever notice these guys fire a ball in full speed on the practice table, then when they finally make one, they stare down the entire room?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Asshole Even Shoots Pool Like An Asshole

MONTROSE, CA—According to acquaintances, area asshole Kris Stenstrup, 31, even shoots pool like an asshole. "He's not even good, but he still acts all macho and cool, like he's Minnesota Fats or something," roommate Lisa Darmont said Monday. "Like, whenever he sinks a shot, he blows on his pool cue and then puts it back in its invisible holster. Oh, and he loves to play 'mind games' with his 'prey,' hovering over them and whispering 'Don't be nervous' before they shoot." Darmont added that Stenstrup is also fond of singing Warren Zevon's "Werewolves Of London," from the 1986 billiards-themed film The Color Of Money, while cockily circling the table.

I wonder at what point did people begin to think Chichi Rodriguez stopped being an a**hole and began to be "cool" with his swashbuckling slashing-the-bull antics and
the subsequent wiping of the "blade" and inserting "sword" into his "scabbard."

I guess you don't get a pass in sport until you have earned your stripes on the field.

I bet if this player turned out to be an eventual champion, he would be heralded as a pool character. Fans would flock to watch him and perhaps --just perhaps-- pool would
get some interesting attention.

(If and only if) until then he's an a**hole. I get it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
if only people who understood comedy were allowed to post, this forum would die very quickly ;)

Also from people who don't understand sarcasm.

That OP was more sarcastic and comedic, my friend.
As an aside, my initial response to the OP was sarcastic all the way.