Zan Tips Hardness Diagram (includes all Zan tips)


My friends call me LJ
Silver Member
I haven't found anything from USA websites on all the Zan tips hardness. PoolDawg left out the Premium Soft - Hybrid Max - Grip Hard.

I stumbled upon this Hardness rating from a Japanese supplier of Zan Tips (see attached picture).

PoolDawg rates using 1-kg of pressure and it's obvious that Zan used something different but you can still get an idea when you compare all the Zan's an even compare vs the PoolDawg Chart.

Doing some calculations, I would put these Zan Tips into PoolDawg's hardness chart in the following areas:

PoolDawg Estimated Hardness
Zan Premium Soft :: 66.9
Zan Hybrid Max :: 78.6
Zan Grip Hard :: 90.2

PoolDawg Current Ratings
Zan Plus Soft :: 66.3
Zan Plus Med :: 77.8
Zan Plus Hard :: 87.4

Anyways, these are amazing tips and this might help some people know which one to get.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have previously posted about using durometer readings to judge equivalence between brands. I am sure that sellers are doing their best to assist buyers, but their results have not matched my impressions from personal experience. My preference is for hard tips and I have been experimenting with several brands. Recently, Ralf (Big-Tattoo) recommended ( that I try a Zan Grip Hard. I had one installed on a shaft about 10 days ago. While most hard tips I have tried recently seem pretty similar (spin, hardness, etc.), the Zan Grip Hard is definitely a step up in hardness. I like it a lot, but have not yet decided if it is my new standard. My absolute favorite commercial tip has been a Talisman Water Buffalo Hard that was installed ~8 years ago, which is also a bit harder than G2, Precision, Instroke, et al. Unfortunately, a second sample of the TWBH did not play the same. Of the tips I have tried, the Zan Grip Hard is closest to Kamui Black Hard, which was too hard for me at the time. But my experience with the KBH was too long ago to be sure of the comparison. The Zan Grip Hard is not as hard as Talisman Water Buffalo Extra Hard, which is my break tip. YMMV. The ZGH is my last tip experiment because all of my shafts have hard tips in good condition. It will be quite a while before I need to change one of them.

Gio Sr.

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yes great info. Thanks. I'm going to step up from soft to medium and see if my stroke is ready for it yet.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i've tried all the zan's offered by seberts

barely a difference between them and any decent le pro


My friends call me LJ
Silver Member
i've tried all the zan's offered by seberts

barely a difference between them and any decent le pro

Everyone has their own opinions and we all each like different things.

With that said, I don't think LePro even comes close to the Zan tips from my experience hitting both.

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Silver Member
JMO Zan soft

Was just given and installed a Zan soft on one of my Madden shafts. I've been shooting with a milk dud for the last couple seasons and I like them alot. But after playing with the zan I like it even more than the duds.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I played with a Zan Hybrid Max and it played pretty sporty.

Comparable to G2, which is my favorite so far.

Also tried Precision Soft, can't get used to them.

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Zan Medium Very Very Good to me!

Forget the silly Hubris, soft, 9 LAYER GrippeR Zany's!|
Next Best Dennis Searrings Precision tips! have had some sos so one from a bad batch.
The G2 med. are good as well.
These are all Japanese leather done the same way all pretty close!


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Hey that's my Hustler name in Utah...

I played with a Zan Hybrid Max and it played pretty sporty.

Comparable to G2, which is my favorite so far.

Also tried Precision Soft, can't get used to them.

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Max Hybrid!
In Nevada I'm known as Stretch Hummer, used to be Stretch Limo...


Active member
JMO Zan soft

Was just given and installed a Zan soft on one of my Madden shafts. I've been shooting with a milk dud for the last couple seasons and I like them alot. But after playing with the zan I like it even more than the duds.
Good to know. I’m using milk duds now. Some are great, some are, well… duds. The ones which don’t play well and mushroom constantly, come apart like drier lint when being cut off.

Looking at the Zan Hard Grip


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good to know. I’m using milk duds now. Some are great, some are, well… duds. The ones which don’t play well and mushroom constantly, come apart like drier lint when being cut off.

Looking at the Zan Hard Grip
This pic was taken today, 6 years after installing my Zan Grip Hard. It is not a commonly used shaft, so, this does not represent expected wear over that much time. But I still play with the shaft occasionally and really like the tip. It looks and plays like it did when it was originally installed. It is a level harder than my other hard layered tips which I also still like. I am not tempted to change all of my shafts to ZGH. But I would not cut one off for being difficult to play with like I did with my Kamui Black Hard.


Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see Zan Boost isn't mentioned at all, it's definently their hardest tip. Zan has gone from a little known brand to being the most sought after tip brand. I've been a dealer for 10 years or so.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There seems to be a big disparity in hardness from Pooldawg while there is not from the others. Makes me wonder how the testing was done by Pooldawg compared to the others. Thanks to the OP for collating the info.

I am suspicious of the numbers by Pooldawg though…


Life Long Learner
Silver Member
Zan Medium best I've used. Lasts longer, holds chalk great, doesn't shroom.

And I've tried another of rips. From Elkmaster to Kamui on price range and everything in between. Sticking with the Zan.

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
Everyone has their own opinions and we all each like different things.

With that said, I don't think LePro even comes close to the Zan tips from my experience hitting both.

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What would be helpful is having a top tiered pro give us their feedback on the differences.
Also, most top pros talk amongst themselves about equipment and their differences.