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  • Art, although I owned an AMF table for a long time I do not consider myself an expert in the construction. My recommendation is contact Steve Lesitkow (He posts here as TableMechanic) and ask him. Note I had a Grand Prix II which was much more like a Gold Crown and had a regular "H" shaped base.
    Dan, sorry to message you not introduced but I think you are an expert on my table. I have one of the original AMF Grand Prix (9' with the figure 8 base) and I am planning on replacing the cloth and cushions. I have purchase some Simonis 760 and am about to purchase some Artemis 66 from classic billiards. Is there anything in particular you think I need to know? I saw reference to the wood being tough to staple? I have purchased the Simonis DVD and assume I will be following their direction. Thanks in advance, Art Carr
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