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  • Have a great day today! :)

    Billy. If you wanted to know the best tip on using english you didn't have to ask the masses. You shoudda just asked me. Think of the spinning ball as your enemy or, at least, an advisary. It throws both the cue ball and the object ball. While being necessary in some instances and notably fun to spin it, sometime try my practice method: I chalk my tip good then take all of the chalk away. As you hit the balls, you will pay more attention to exactly where you are hitting the cue ball, thus refining your aim and you will start using less extreme english (cue tip away from dead center) which doesn't require chalk and you will find mild english is much more reiable because the ball doesn't curve and will suffice in almost every instance where you need english (just avoid long draw shots). Sometime, after an hour or so of this you'll run out real good.
    It wooooooooooooooooooorks, Sir William
    Hey B.P. I just discovered the personal message buttom. Oh! What a blast.
    My birthday is 10-5. Someday we should celebrate them together...maybe in Hoywood.
    Happy Birthday, Mr. Porter. It looks like this is a milestone birthday. Wishing you many more years of good health, peace of mind, and, of course, love in your heart. Hope you enjoy today to the fullest! :cool:

    Bill- Would you happen to have any pictures of the pool cue Efren was playing with at Red's when he played under the name Cesar Morales ? I have the cue, and was hoping to find proof it was the cue he used. Regards, Darin
    hi Bill, I dont have PM's here so I cant say much-but thanks. I hope that your good, Kelly liked the dinner, it was great, lets do it again next year. your a very good friend.
    warmest regards
    Did you sell the palmer cue? Let me know and I would be interested in any other Palmers you may run accross.
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