Recent content by Lumocolor

  1. L

    What Would Happen If...

    I don't think my dog would care, but it'd still hate myself. 🤬
  2. L

    Revo backorder issues...

    Don't say that. You'll have someone tell you to get a better job and that they spend more than that on gold toilet paper and bottles of wine.
  3. L

    big foot challenge at dcc

    That kid shoots well, but he got all the good rolls :eek: P.S. Someone give Alex $50 for a new pair of pants.
  4. L

    Turning Stone Classic XXIX Updates - 2018

    Darn Canadians are too nice for their own good. Shaw would have jumped up, screamed "you lose Ahole" and done a little dance in his face.
  5. L

    How good was Keith McCready?

    Always fun when someone resurrects a
  6. L

    Possible $100,000 match: Shaw vs. Shane or Shaw/Filler vs. Skylar/Bergman !?!

    Hate to be that guy but i could barely understand Shaw's post. He was either very drunk, dropped out of school in first grade or had jar jar binks as a teacher "Mesa take all you things."
  7. L

    Oscar Dominguez in UK tabloids, not good.

    The UK is angry over an American saying "touch of a rapist", but the brits go around saying "Oi, mate, let's go suck a fag." instead of "let's go smoke a cigarette" and they think that's
  8. L

    Another Becue Review

    So many nice comments on the Becue. Hoping for a holiday sale or something in time for
  9. L

    I’ve never been banned from a forum until yesterday

    Thanks for the entertaining thread :thumbup: would read I don't want to be one of zuckerberg's cash cows, so i don't have a facebook account to follow all this fun stuff live. P.S. Screen sharing and remote access are 2 very very different things.
  10. L

    OB Cues September MEGA Contest

    Thanks for the contest.
  11. L

    Guidance for secure PayPal usage

    Your safest bet is probably a trusted middle man. Other than that you can always ask if he's willing to send payment as a gift, that way he can't charge back after getting the cue, but now that takes trust on his side.
  12. L

    Question for gamers: linking pool and gaming

    Haha, good luck with that. Some 14 year olds are making more a year playing video games than SVB does playing pool.
  13. L

    " The Freezer's " new EPIC poolroom!!!!!

    I'm no business expert but if i knew nothing about pool or mr.frost this name would just make me believe that it's a refrigerator or ice store. If the area isn't saturated with real pool knowledgeable people i would be worried about attracting people with a name that doesn't somehow imply what...
  14. L

    Chalk etiquette?

    At the room i usually play at it takes less than an hour to have the palm of my bridge hand turn completely black, I don't think they clean the tables more than twice a year, so i play with whatever color chalk i feel like.
  15. L

    A vs A+ vs A++ (Pool Player Classifications)

    Doesn't it just differ from region to region? Everyone where i play says i'm an A player, but i've never won a damn thing and can maybe run 1 rack in 10 playing the ghost. I tell them that i'm a B at best. It's my personal belief that they just don't want to hurt anybodies feelings by...