Funny pic/gif thread...


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Baby Boomer Perception.jpg


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
Again with the Millennial crap. Bro I promise you I got the belt more than you did in your entire life. The belt, a 3" wide razor strop, plastic spoons, wooden spoons, switches that I had to cut myself. I'm 42 and considered about the oldest a Millennial could be. If I threw a fit in the store my mom walked off and left me crying. Then I'd get my butt beat when I got home. You don't have the market cornered on getting the shit beat out of you as a child. Millennials grew up basically pre internet, we're not the ipad generation. We got our asses beat. We grew up with our parents or grandparents smoking in the car. We didn't get presents when it was other people's birthday. No participation trophy. We know cursive and can read an analog clock. I get it's a joke, and it's kind of funny, I relate to it but I'm a Millennial. :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Again with the Millennial crap. Bro I promise you I got the belt more than you did in your entire life. The belt, a 3" wide razor strop, plastic spoons, wooden spoons, switches that I had to cut myself. I'm 42 and considered about the oldest a Millennial could be. If I threw a fit in the store my mom walked off and left me crying. Then I'd get my butt beat when I got home. You don't have the market cornered on getting the shit beat out of you as a child. Millennials grew up basically pre internet, we're not the ipad generation. We got our asses beat. We grew up with our parents or grandparents smoking in the car. We didn't get presents when it was other people's birthday. No participation trophy. We know cursive and can read an analog clock. I get it's a joke, and it's kind of funny, I relate to it but I'm a Millennial. :)
When my brother and I were especially bad, we'd get spanked with a doubled-up cord from our electric griddle. We quickly learned not to cross the line into electric cord territory. My dad would probably be arrested for doing that today.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
In mud engineering we had software that did all of the calculations for us; however, in mud school, we still had to do all of the calculations on paper and in the field if we were in the dog house, the company man would often ask us to calculate the hole volume on the fly with just a calculator and our minds. We had to have the formulas and a lot of the numbers for volume for many of the pipe sizes memorized.


Pi times the radius squared times the depth. I haven't needed to know that in two score years but it is well and truly stuck in the memory banks. I was usually more interested in the stroke measuring engine displacements. I used 3.1416 for pi if I wanted the estimate to be a little over, 3.14159 if I wanted the estimate to be a little short.

I have so much information I don't need carefully stored in memory that there isn't room to add more!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Are you cool?
Well I'm cool
Is everybody cool?
Well let's get hot
Grass roots
All across this great nation
And I am truly humbled
And gratefully accept the nomination

I'm gonna be President
Of the United States
First Tuesday in November
Mark it down, and save the date

Live music in the White House
Strictly BYOB
The public wanna get down
It is our collective destiny

I'm gonna kiss all the babies
Maybe kiss their mamas too
I don't need the secret service
I know how to work a room

I'm gonna be President
Of the United States
I was born to be President
Of these United States

On the day I was born
All the nurses and doctors
Take that boy out his crib
And put him in the Executive Office

First thing that I'm gonna do is disclose all those UFOS
Put Jimi Hendrix on the twenty dollar bill
And Bill Hicks on a five note

Hot damn The democratic process
What a time to be alive
Oh, I'm ready to give the people what they want
And what they want is straight talk and no jive

We have exit polls coming in
Rhode Island and American Samoa
We have more results coming in
From Puerto Rico and both Dakotas

Breaking news
Happening right now
I believe we're ready to call it
Do you want us to call it?

(Yeah) I believe
We have a winner

Thank you very much
I couldn't have done it
I couldn't have done it without you
Drinks on me

Thank you very much
I couldn't have done it
I couldn't have done it without you
Drinks on me

First thing that I'm gonna do is go for a ride on a UFO
Put Jimi Hendrix on the twenty dollar bill
And Bill Hicks on a five note

Hot damn The democratic process
What a time to be alive
Oh, I'm ready to give the people what they want
And what they want is straight talk and no jive

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Dan Maines / Jean-Paul Gaster / Neil Fallon / Richard Sult


Again with the Millennial crap. Bro I promise you I got the belt more than you did in your entire life. The belt, a 3" wide razor strop, plastic spoons, wooden spoons, switches that I had to cut myself. I'm 42 and considered about the oldest a Millennial could be. If I threw a fit in the store my mom walked off and left me crying. Then I'd get my butt beat when I got home. You don't have the market cornered on getting the shit beat out of you as a child. Millennials grew up basically pre internet, we're not the ipad generation. We got our asses beat. We grew up with our parents or grandparents smoking in the car. We didn't get presents when it was other people's birthday. No participation trophy. We know cursive and can read an analog clock. I get it's a joke, and it's kind of funny, I relate to it but I'm a Millennial. :)
It’s easier to blame the generations after yours it is to have true self reflection on what impact your (royal your) generation had - both good and bad.

I’m a millennial and my dad would spank us with a piece of oak baseboard that he carved a handle into. My name was written one side and my sister’s on the other.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
It’s easier to blame the generations after yours it is to have true self reflection on what impact your (royal your) generation had - both good and bad.

I’m a millennial and my dad would spank us with a piece of oak baseboard that he carved a handle into. My name was written one side and my sister’s on the other.
You haven’t lived unless you’re eating oatmeal porridge for breakfast ( at the age of six) and you disagree with your poppa about something and he shoves your face in the porridge and your brothers and sisters crack up laughing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It’s easier to blame the generations after yours it is to have true self reflection on what impact your (royal your) generation had - both good and bad.

I’m a millennial and my dad would spank us with a piece of oak baseboard that he carved a handle into. My name was written one side and my sister’s on the other.
As they say:
If you point the finger at yourself, who would be left to blame?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You haven’t lived unless you’re eating oatmeal porridge for breakfast ( at the age of six) and you disagree with your poppa about something and he shoves your face in the porridge and your brothers and sisters crack up laughing.
That is a beautiful story.

Dumbass and unappreciative parasitic midgets!