Search results

  1. DaWizard

    What would it cost to hire a (semi) pro?

    So I'm still thinking about innovating pool and I'm trying to get a full picture of the costs to get a team working on it. The idea would be to gather (video)gamedesigners and 2 pool players. The poolplayers would be brainstorming with the team about possible concepts and playtesting (ie...
  2. DaWizard

    What would be the perfect tiebreaker?

    The WPA 10-ball has the shoot out. Players say they don't like it, but alledgedly the crowd flocks wherever the shoot out takes place. People suggest: a difference of 2 games. The disadvantage is that this could still last a bunch of games. What other tie breakers would be interesting? In...
  3. DaWizard

    Experimental Pool Tournament livestream! - Elimin-8-ball & 14.1 Sequence

    Experimental Pool Tournament livestream! Were playing: Elimin-8-ball - rules: 14.1 Sequence - rules: Not commentary, sorry 🙂
  4. DaWizard

    What if pool had NBA levels of money involved?

    Alternate universele or timeline. What if pool didn't decline in popularity, but only grew bigger and bigger and pool had NBA levels of money involved. What would it be like?
  5. DaWizard

    Awesome pool - snooker - 3c video thread

    We've got a funny pics thread, but not a thread to post brilliant cue sport videos?? Saw an amazing video? Post it here!
  6. DaWizard

    Playing sets vs races

    The World Cup of Darts just finished and they play sets: first to win X sets. Every set is a best of 5 legs (games). In pool we usually play a race to X games. The advantage of playing sets is that players have fresh chances every new set. Any experience with tournaments where pool is...
  7. DaWizard

    Memorable threads here on AZ Billiards?

    AZ has a lot of history. There must be some gems! Which thread do you still remember, for any reason?
  8. DaWizard

    Who wants to test 14.1 Sequence?

    Hey everyone. Ive created a variation of Straight Pool. I'm curious what straight pool players think of it and even better: want to give it a shot! Here are the rules: 14.1 Sequence is a variation of 14.1 continuous, aka straight pool. All straight pool rules apply, with the exception of...
  9. DaWizard

    Mika Immonen not doing well

    Just saw on Facebook he's being treated for stage 4 cancer, per Mark White. Mikas Facebook post
  10. DaWizard

    14.1 sequence pool

    A thread some time ago about calling the next shot inspired me for: 14.1 sequence pool All straight pool rules apply. Potting 1 ball = 1 point. In 14.1 sequence pool the player can call shots ahead. This is called a 'sequence'. A sequence can be 2 or more shots that are called ahead. For every...
  11. DaWizard


    Elimin-8-ball is played as a set, not as a single rack. All regular 8-ball rules apply, except that both players start with 6 balls and a player is either solids or stripes for the entirety of the set. The first game is a regular game of 8-ball. After that, with each 8-ball that is potted...
  12. DaWizard

    Fedor Gorst is on team USA!

    Double thread - - -
  13. DaWizard

    Chess clocks in pool

    @JolietJames mentioned it in the US Open thread: how about using chess clocks to solve the extremely slow play in the early round? For those who have never seen one: What kind of time settings would be right for a tournament like the US Open early round? Keep in mind that players need a...
  14. DaWizard

    Opponent interaction in sports/pool

    I was thinking about interaction in sports. Some sports are extremely interactive and some have almost no interaction. Defining interaction is a bit difficult: activity, influence on the opponent's game - come to mind. Some examples: - BJJ/wrestling: continuous activity, continuous influence...
  15. DaWizard

    29th of August: 3 Dutchmen in Manilla

    For those interested: I assume some Dutch asses are going to get whooped, but itll be valuable for the youngsters.
  16. DaWizard

    What happened to Jessie J Allred (one handed trickshots)?

    I suppose that is his name. He had several videos of him executing trickshots and run outs one handed. Here's a video of him: The rest seems to be scraped of youtube. Wonder he had it all removed 🤔
  17. DaWizard

    What is a cuesports match that you recommend?

    What match in cuesports history would you recommend? It can be a legendary, entertaining, superclose, controversial, spectacular, classic or whatever match. And not limited to pool, also other cuesport recommendations are welcome.
  18. DaWizard

    Who is your favorite player and why?

    As the title says: whos your current favorite player and why? So not asking for who you support, but the one you enjoy watching the most.
  19. DaWizard

    180k money game, 2 balls left at 29-29

    In Engeland a money game with 180,000 pounds on the line was played. Here's the last shot: 180k shot
  20. DaWizard

    A new 9-ball break format

    There has been a lot of discussion about the 9-ball break. I got another wack from a windmill and came up with a idea and curious what y'all think of it. We've got 2 players: player A and player B. Let's call them Alfred and Jim. Step 1: rack balls in this shape, they can be racked randomly...