14.1 sequence pool


Well-known member
A thread some time ago about calling the next shot inspired me for:

14.1 sequence pool
All straight pool rules apply. Potting 1 ball = 1 point.

In 14.1 sequence pool the player can call shots ahead. This is called a 'sequence'. A sequence can be 2 or more shots that are called ahead.
For every next ball called in the sequence, the player gets +1 accumulated point.

A player opts to call a sequence:
"first the 3 in this corner, second the 14 in this side and then the 7 in this corner" and executes the sequence as proclaimed. For this sequence the player gets: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 points.

If, for example, you call a sequence of 6 balls and succesfully execute it, you'd get: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 points

The next ball would again be just 1 point. If the player would've called it as part of the sequence it could've been worth 4 points! But how deep do you dare to call your sequence?

No risk can go unpunished. So if you call your sequence but you get out of line, and you want to change plan (i.e. shoot a ball from your sequence in a different pocket than called or you miss/play safe) you must be punished for failing your plan.
For that situation I got a two options I haven't tested yet:
A) your run ends if you are unable to pot a ball in a called pocket (hardcore mode). You get 0 points for the sequence (A1) or you get the points accumulated up until the miss (A2).
Either way, my opponent gets to shoot.
B) you can still shoot the object ball into another pocket to keep shooting. (soft mode) However, your entire sequence is cancelled and any previously gathered points in the sequence are lost. (example: I call 5 shots, but shoot the 5th in another pocket: 1+2+3+4=10, 5th = 0. The sequence gained me 10 points. I keep shooting as I did not NOT pot a ball.
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