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  1. murdoc23

    Jump Cue Recommendations

    Imagine if you will... You're a 550 Fargo player. You jump ok, Prefer a dart technique. And the wife gives you $300 for a birthday gift to get a dedicated jump cue. What's you're pick?
  2. murdoc23

    What's the name of this game?

    Normal Eight-Ball, but if you take solids you have to go in order from 1 to 7, or if you take stripes you have to shoot down from 15 to 9 before shooting the game ball. My friends call it reverse eight. But there must be a better name right? Like "Rotation-Eight" or something like that...
  3. murdoc23

    Wolverine Pool

    I'm an Ohio State fan, but I might have to convert after seeing their pool hall! Dear LORD! LOOK at all those anniversary and Diamond tables! The wood paneling. I wonder if they realize the fortune they have there? I sure would be happy to take...
  4. murdoc23

    So Proud of my Bluegrass

    My first custom cue is a stunning Bluegrass "Hustler" cue by Richard Harris. I think $ for $ Richard builds the best looking cues out there. Wish I could afford a full custom by him, but I am still incredibly proud of this beauty. He made it to my specs: Indian Rosewood / Birdseye Maple butt...
  5. murdoc23

    DCC 2017 Players List

    Is there anyplace to find a list of the players signed up for this year's event? With the Chinese event and Darren's tournaments so close to DCC, I'm wondering who will be able to attend?
  6. murdoc23

    Great YouTube Clips

    Been watching any YouTube matches lately and seen a shot that makes you say WOW!? Share them here: Here's a kick shot by Shane that made me lose my mind! The clip starts just after Francisco seemingly put him in jail:
  7. murdoc23

    30" OB + Classic Shaft for Sale - 5/16 - 18 - Meucci

    Sold - Thanks.
  8. murdoc23

    Anyone Tried the "TopRack"? How's it compare?

    Saw an ad in the recent Billiards Digest for the "TopRack" racking tool. Looks pretty interesting. Anyone given it a try? I like the concept of having something rack from above so you don't have a template laying on the table after the break that can alter slow-rolling ball paths. However I'm...
  9. murdoc23

    Interesting Situation - VNEA Rule Question

    I thought this was interesting and would appreciate any input you guys have. It is the last match at league night. Both players have had a few. There are three balls on the table, one ball from each group, and the eight ball. All in the same general area. Player Steve, from my team, plays a...
  10. murdoc23

    VNEA Rule Question - Is it a foul?

    A strange situation happened tonight that I'd like to get some clarification on. Ed and Mike are playing VNEA handicap 8-ball. Mike is down to the eight ball, and Ed has one stripe left. The eight ball is in the jaws of a corner pocket, and the only ball Ed has left is the 11 ball which is...
  11. murdoc23

    Intentional Fouls in League

    Anyone in a VNEA league ever intentionally foul? For instance, if you can't pocket a ball, and your opponent is on the 8, you intentionally hit the 8 ball and lock it up on a rail with one of your balls to where even with ball in hand they're not going to make it. Is this allowed? Is it frowned...
  12. murdoc23

    Cue Stick Glossary

    Has anyone put together a glossary or infographic of cue stick terms? Ideally I'd be interested in seeing a picture of a stick, with the terms above the parts and arrows pointing them out. Things like a "Hoppe Ring", Merry Widow (Window?), Flat faced joint, piloted joint, the different pin...
  13. murdoc23

    Cue Identification Request - NCA?

    I'm sure this is nothing great, but I still would be interested in any information on this cue anyone might have. (Manufacturer, year) I picked up this old house cue today at the flea market for $5. The butterfly splice caught my eye. And I thought it was interesting that it had a wood ferrule...
  14. murdoc23

    Solid Shaft Recommendations?

    I've tried a few LD shafts, and haven't really taken a liking to any of them. I keep going back to the old non-LD, non-dot Meucci shaft that came with the 84-3 cue originally. However, this shaft is old, dirty, the wood is porous, and the ferrule was replaced at some point with a low quality...
  15. murdoc23

    How to Win the Mental Game?

    I had a tough night at league last night. In my three games I was first to the eight ball all three times, yet only won one. So I'm looking for any tips you might have to help me stop choking on the eight ball? It seems every time I lined up on the eight I tried to slow down, get in a...
  16. murdoc23

    Instructors in Central Ohio

    Are there any instructors in the Central Ohio (Dayton, Springfield) area? I'd like to get some real instruction. Thanks!
  17. murdoc23

    SharpShooter Custom Shaft Review from American Cowboy Billiards

    Hi all, I just wanted to share my experience with my recent purchase from ACB, (American Cowboy Billiards) and Bob Moss. Approximately two months ago I was getting really frustrated with my pool stick. I had been out of shooting pool for a long time, and was asked to join a league here in town...
  18. murdoc23

    Meucci Joint Type

    Are there any other brands that use the same joint type as a Meucci? It's a 5/16 - 18 flat faced joint. Right?
  19. murdoc23

    Words of Encouragement

    Sorry for the strange thread, but I could really use some help. The past couple of weeks I've been the only person on my league team winning. Some times it's just been bad luck for the other players, sometimes they've just been "off". Well being the introvert that I am, I never quite know what...
  20. murdoc23

    Phenolic Tip Care

    Sorry for a noob question, but I just got a break shaft with a Phenolic tip on it, and was wondering if there is any special care required of it? Do you cut a standard nickle / dime radius to it? Or leave it more squared off? And when breaking do you tend to try and keep it heavily chalked or light?