What shoes do you wear to play pool in?


Go ahead.....run for it.
Silver Member
I play quite a bit of pool, usually after working 8 hours standing on my feet in workboots. A friend of mine was raving about how comfortable his shoes were, so I gambled the $100 on a new pair, and I gotta say, they are the NUTS! Reebok zigtech shoes are super comfy, and I can play for a few hours with no added pain! Im not a Reebok employee or anything like that, I just thought Id share my joy with my fellow AZers! So what kind of shoes do you wear when you are playing pool? Im not talking about playing a couple games, I meant when you go out and play for a few or more hours.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
At home I often play in bare feet.

Out I use the same shoes I use for everything eles--sort of dressy shoes with a bit of rubbery sole for some bite on the floor (not like tennis shoes with lots of bite).


Silver Member
Comfortable cross trainers. If you've ever experienced the shot where you were stretching a little and your shoes lost their grip, causing you to crunch your nuts, you'd understand!


Never tire of learning.
Silver Member
I have heard they are very comfortable, but they are just too flashy looking for me. I wear a pair of all black Nike Shox, which any of the Shox are borderline too flashy as well. But they fit good, and are very comfortable to me.


])3a]) s']['rok3
Silver Member
In tournament i wear this :)



Coast to Coast
Silver Member
I got some skate board shoes that I can't stand walking in....but I really like playing in them since they are so stable....

but i really like playing barefooted.....i usually do unless the room owner gripes or something....I wear sandals alot and will just kick them off and hit balls....

got hooked into the barefoot habit cuz of my uncle....when i was a kid he wouldn't let us wear shoes in the game room so it b/c normal to me.

If I'm playing barefooted and you see my toes wiggling......you should quit lol....when my toes get happy the balls don't stop falling, just something I noticed I do along time ago.....

instead of the tapping fingers when using what i call a "show" bridge....i tap my toes.

I'm weird what can i say,
-Grey Ghost-

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
I always carried multiple pairs and types of shoes, and sandals, the floor type and the room temperature determine what works best for me during play. Slippage when extended way out is a huge concern to address right away.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I play quite a bit of pool, usually after working 8 hours standing on my feet in workboots. A friend of mine was raving about how comfortable his shoes were, so I gambled the $100 on a new pair, and I gotta say, they are the NUTS! Reebok zigtech shoes are super comfy, and I can play for a few hours with no added pain! Im not a Reebok employee or anything like that, I just thought Id share my joy with my fellow AZers! So what kind of shoes do you wear when you are playing pool? Im not talking about playing a couple games, I meant when you go out and play for a few or more hours.


i normally wear running shoes or cross trainers. running shoes are more comfortable but they don't look as normal imo. the colors are always just a little too off. but they're damn comfortable


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you ask a foot doctor it seems he always says New Balance so I go with New Balance


Silver Member
I was born with bad feet, I wont go into detail but my father has them aswell. I do a lot to "service" them. So I have a Life time of experience when it comes to foot comfort and discomfort.

This next statement is insensitive but I'm serious: until the last 5 or so years the most comfortable shoes I ever wore were Nike's that I bought in early highschool, and they were the shoes that were made in the Sweat Shops. After they stopped being made in the sweat shops they just never felt the same. Those kids made one hell of a pair of comfy shoes.

Now I have discovered NEW BALANCE shoes, and they are a blessing. I have become a shoe whore of sorts. I have 8 pairs: I have 3 of the same for work, when 1 wears out, I'll start wearing the others, walking shoes, dress shoes, you get the picture. New balance uses a number system to rate there shoe comfort and support. THe higher the number the higher the comfort, support, and the price. I alway's buy 1000 or higher, I have 3 pairs of 1223's, and a pair of 1500's, I'm looking into a pair rated over 2000.

If looking into newbalance and want a good pair, don't be cheap, your feet/back are worth the extra money. Look for sale's, If your going to buy online you can get great deals, up to 60% off depending where and when you buy them. But I suggest you go to a store where they sell new balance and find your right size, there size's are alittle different from other company's.

My friends Larry and Bill alway's bought the cheapest shoes, payless/walmart. And there feet alway's hurt. He started out buying a pair rated at 5-600, and didn't notice much differece, I told him he had to buy shoe's rated at 1000 or more, of course spending $100-175 on shoes isn't his thing. But last I saw him he had some 1100's and he was really happy with them.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nike cross trainers in the summer, Nunn Bush Gel rubber-soled dress shoes when coming from work, Timberland hiking boots in the winter.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i have a bad back and i wear new balance 993s with dr. scholl gel inserts. i can play for a few hours and it really helps. but they do get hot!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
After a teammate pointed out that I play better in cowboy boots, that's what I usually wear. Odd as it may be, I do seem to play better in boots.