2 Weeks in a Row - Out of body experience

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
I've played twice in the last two weeks, both at night, different venues.....each time, I absolutely played the worst pool I may have played ever.....missed easy shots.....and I mean easy shots.....couldn't run more than 3 balls in a row, and we are not talking about tough outs......and I was trying to pay attention....I was a little tired....felt like I couldn't get my eyes to focus.....I felt unbalanced, and my stroke felt just off.....I missed shots the worst banger wouldn't miss, it was crazy....and a couple of times, about 4 inches from the pocket :grin:

Neither instance was for any particular stakes or anything special....I simply could not play.....played a little yesterday - still in a funk, but made a few balls and overall felt better....

Any of you played so bad you thought you were having an out of body experience? Was it lack of sleep, or maybe a diet issue? FYI, neither was alcohol related....


Screamin Monkey
Silver Member
Try to let it go from a negative standpoint and think positive. Your last two outings have been constructive experiences that have allowed you to see what you need to work on. It's nothing at all, you'll pull through.

I just got out my funk about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The book "Lessons In 9-ball" by Blackjack has some really good pointers from the mental aspect to help you overcome your own mind. Since I have been studying that book, I've been able to change the momentum of a match just by looking at things more positively.

If something like this works for someone with a head as hard as mine, it can work for anybody. :)

Just don't let it get you down and you'll be fine.

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
I just got out my funk about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The book "Lessons In 9-ball" by Blackjack has some really good pointers from the mental aspect to help you overcome your own mind.

Just don't let it get you down and you'll be fine.

This idea has merit....I have his book, need to read it again, get my mind right.....might not hurt to read Jay's while I am at it....

Thanks Dan...


Silver Member
I've played twice in the last two weeks, both at night, different venues.....each time, I absolutely played the worst pool I may have played ever.....missed easy shots.....and I mean easy shots.....couldn't run more than 3 balls in a row, and we are not talking about tough outs......and I was trying to pay attention....I was a little tired....felt like I couldn't get my eyes to focus.....I felt unbalanced, and my stroke felt just off.....I missed shots the worst banger wouldn't miss, it was crazy....and a couple of times, about 4 inches from the pocket :grin:

Neither instance was for any particular stakes or anything special....I simply could not play.....played a little yesterday - still in a funk, but made a few balls and overall felt better....

Any of you played so bad you thought you were having an out of body experience? Was it lack of sleep, or maybe a diet issue? FYI, neither was alcohol related....

Are you kidding??? Have I ever thought I was having an out-of-body experience while playing? Almost every time I play. Big Perm, next time you are in an out-of-body experience call me and we will probably have a lo-o-o-o-o-ong and pitiful match :grin::grin::grin:


Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
Are you kidding??? Have I ever thought I was having an out-of-body experience while playing? Almost every time I play. Big Perm, next time you are in an out-of-body experience call me and we will probably have a lo-o-o-o-o-ong and pitiful match :grin::grin::grin:


No doubt, share the wealth :grin:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a mentor and when I mentioned I was playing terrible pool lately he asked if I knew what I was doing wrong. He said I reverted back to my bad habits of poking not stroking the ball and I was being tentative; not trusting my shots. I took it to the table and sure enough after a few racks I was back on track. I asked why he never mentioned it before and he simply said you never asked. Could this be the case with you?

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Once, I was putting some bondo on a friends car in an enclosed garage and not using a respirator. After about a half an hour I felt myself floating at the top of the garage and looking down at the vehicle I was working on.
Later on after I had finished the job, I called a friend who also works on cars and told him what had happened. He said, "thats easy Terry, you had an Auto Body experience.


I'm better with a wedge!
Silver Member
Once, I was putting some bondo on a friends car in an enclosed garage and not using a respirator. After about a half an hour I felt myself floating at the top of the garage and looking down at the vehicle I was working on.
Later on after I had finished the job, I called a friend who also works on cars and told him what had happened. He said, "thats easy Terry, you had an Auto Body experience.

this happens with some two part epoxy paints as well. Can you believe folks PAY ME to put that stuff on :eek: :grin: Thank you sir, may I have another.

Big Perm, sorry to hear you are experiencing what I do everytime I come to a table. Get a BIG spot from your opponent, have a couple gin drinks, and watch the slump amazingly wear off (but the spot will too :grin: ).

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
All good ideas, appreciate each of you.....

Rusty, I need the big spot....on the table and the course...you get down here and gimme some money :grin:

Had some auto experiences.....engine paint, brake cleaner, or just bathing in 90 weight for an afternoon :wink:


Professional Banger
Silver Member
Its happens from time to time. It sounds liek you might be heading into a slump which in case you need to find the problem and fix it fast.

Ive noticed that as you grow as a player slumps because less common adn less tragic. Just remember that this kinda thing happens to everybody but in different degrees.

Just a couple weeks ago i was playing on a bar box with a couple of my friends and i couldnt do shit. The rails were blocks of wood....The cueball was heavy as hell and the cloth was like playing in mud. That and everytime someone missed i was lefet with nothing good or a kick shot. If i did make a ball i couldnt get shape for the life of me. :mad:

Just happens thats all...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Be kind to yourself take a break-were human not perfect

I would say just go to the table and practice,practice untell you get the magic back. It's like having low esteem and playing dosen't work- I play best when I have fire in my eyes-desire to be the best-at this very moment. bored I'd say, change up the routene ,try differen't games,. back to the basic's. Do those other hobbies as well- hunting ,target practice ,fishing,going to pawnshops and find a good old antique cue. It's all in your head! like baseball 75% mental. You need to eat and the weather with less sun means glumme-up here. If pool were that easy we'd just buy a JP robot and watch him play. good luck mark

Thunder Thighs

I'm your Huckleberry
Silver Member
....missed easy shots.....and I mean easy shots.....couldn't run more than 3 balls in a row, and we are not talking about tough outs......and I was trying to pay attention....I was a little tired....felt like I couldn't get my eyes to focus.....I felt unbalanced, and my stroke felt just off.....I missed shots the worst banger wouldn't miss, it was crazy....and a couple of times, about 4 inches from the pocket :grin:
Sounds like a regular night for me man. Wohooo I ran 3 balls ! :grin: :lol: