A level player in the mind... C level in the execution... what to do?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey Group,

Between tracking the unknown monsters all over the country... I've been inspired and have started picking my cue back up and have been hitting some.

But I'm getting really frustrated. My mind is still in tune. I haven't lost that yet. I know what I need to do, and how to do it, at least A level in that regard. But my execution is around C-level.

In nine ball I will run a perfect 4 or 5 balls, great shape, always leaving an angle to leave an angle but I will rattle or jaw the 4th or 5th ball.

But what is really frustrating is I won't get out of line or be out of line I will simply jaw or rattle a ball.

And I still get my proper shape on the next ball.

I know it's a game of fractions of a millimeter but I have really been pulling my hair out.

Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get that execution level back up?

I really don't want to take up one pocket, where close enough is usually good enough.

I have an A player mind, in a C players body it seems.

Is this the best I can expect being close to 80 years old?


And kinda depressed.


Best bet is to ask New York for some lessons.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Quickest way is Perfect Aim.

Hey Group,

Between tracking the unknown monsters all over the country... I've been inspired and have started picking my cue back up and have been hitting some.

But I'm getting really frustrated. My mind is still in tune. I haven't lost that yet. I know what I need to do, and how to do it, at least A level in that regard. But my execution is around C-level.

In nine ball I will run a perfect 4 or 5 balls, great shape, always leaving an angle to leave an angle but I will rattle or jaw the 4th or 5th ball.

But what is really frustrating is I won't get out of line or be out of line I will simply jaw or rattle a ball.

And I still get my proper shape on the next ball.

I know it's a game of fractions of a millimeter but I have really been pulling my hair out.

Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get that execution level back up?

I really don't want to take up one pocket, where close enough is usually good enough.

I have an A player mind, in a C players body it seems.

Is this the best I can expect being close to 80 years old?


And kinda depressed.


Your eyes are the hardest to get back in the right position.

I still do free phone lessons. 715-563-8712.


Professional Banger
Silver Member
I suggest getting a cue with a laser pointer and a wrap made out of the mane of a unicorn. Hope this helps


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey Group,

Between tracking the unknown monsters all over the country... I've been inspired and have started picking my cue back up and have been hitting some.

But I'm getting really frustrated. My mind is still in tune. I haven't lost that yet. I know what I need to do, and how to do it, at least A level in that regard. But my execution is around C-level.

In nine ball I will run a perfect 4 or 5 balls, great shape, always leaving an angle to leave an angle but I will rattle or jaw the 4th or 5th ball.

But what is really frustrating is I won't get out of line or be out of line I will simply jaw or rattle a ball.

And I still get my proper shape on the next ball.

I know it's a game of fractions of a millimeter but I have really been pulling my hair out.

Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get that execution level back up?

I really don't want to take up one pocket, where close enough is usually good enough.

I have an A player mind, in a C players body it seems.

Is this the best I can expect being close to 80 years old?


And kinda depressed.


If you're making 4-5 balls duck until you get on the 5 ball...


for sale!
Do you where glasses? Also if I am jawing balls I would look at the deflection in my shaft and make sure that I am being very deliberate in aiming. I say that because if you are really bearing down on each shot it will allow you to see if you are consistently missing the same way. If so, I'd mess around with my chin to cue shaft distances and dominate eye position. All can mess with perception and will cause closely missed balls.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Play Well, My Friend, The Game is Our Teacher

PM me your address and I'll send you a gift that will help you out. I'm always willing to give back to the game and those that are truly trying to master it.

Play Well, My Friend, The Game is Our Teacher

Hey Group,

Between tracking the unknown monsters all over the country... I've been inspired and have started picking my cue back up and have been hitting some.

But I'm getting really frustrated. My mind is still in tune. I haven't lost that yet. I know what I need to do, and how to do it, at least A level in that regard. But my execution is around C-level.

In nine ball I will run a perfect 4 or 5 balls, great shape, always leaving an angle to leave an angle but I will rattle or jaw the 4th or 5th ball.

But what is really frustrating is I won't get out of line or be out of line I will simply jaw or rattle a ball.

And I still get my proper shape on the next ball.

I know it's a game of fractions of a millimeter but I have really been pulling my hair out.

Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get that execution level back up?

I really don't want to take up one pocket, where close enough is usually good enough.

I have an A player mind, in a C players body it seems.

Is this the best I can expect being close to 80 years old?


And kinda depressed.



Hey Group,

Between tracking the unknown monsters all over the country... I've been inspired and have started picking my cue back up and have been hitting some.

But I'm getting really frustrated. My mind is still in tune. I haven't lost that yet. I know what I need to do, and how to do it, at least A level in that regard. But my execution is around C-level.

In nine ball I will run a perfect 4 or 5 balls, great shape, always leaving an angle to leave an angle but I will rattle or jaw the 4th or 5th ball.

But what is really frustrating is I won't get out of line or be out of line I will simply jaw or rattle a ball.

And I still get my proper shape on the next ball.

I know it's a game of fractions of a millimeter but I have really been pulling my hair out.

Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get that execution level back up?

I really don't want to take up one pocket, where close enough is usually good enough.

I have an A player mind, in a C players body it seems.

Is this the best I can expect being close to 80 years old?


And kinda depressed.


to bad you can't talk to Arizona anymore, I heard they are still using his head as a cue ball!


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
There was a mental application that many a golfer used, called Psycho-Cybernetics, where you pictured in your mind accomplishing a physical task. That book was written in the 1960s.

Good Luck...

I read Psych Cybernetics when I was a kid....decided to give it a good try
at billiards....stopped gambling for 3 months and re-adjusted my thinking.

When I got back into action, players that I had been playing even now
needed weight....took 'em a few thou to realize it though. :)

As for the OP, Built, you need to hit a lot of balls before a lesson will do
you any good...and the need for a lesson may disappear.
...you can't buy talent, you have to hit enough balls that you have 'pool muscles'.

I am not going to go to George Foreman and ask him to show me how
to knock somebody out....first you need the gym time.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't get it. The OP started his account to stir things up. I'll admit it was a funny yarn, but it was totally designed to get people worked up.

Now people are taking this guy seriously? It's a strange strange world.